“Messy Church Training Day”; an ecumenical event
(cost £10).
See poster
on noticeboard for details and Vestibule table for
registration forms
(the Ministers, Lorna & Margaret, & the
Eassons can supply more).
It seems like an event at which Dundee and the Circuit should
have representation from among Ministers, Preachers & Worship
Leaders, workers with children, Stewards, anyone interested
The District Children's Work Support Group would like to see every
church and circuit send someone - please act quickly (by 1st March at
latest) as it may be booked up!
Prayer Points for this week
the President of Conference in the Liverpool District this weekend, with the Vice-President in the Newcastle District next weekend;
Methodist ecumenical work and cooperation, particularly on civic and public issues at Holyrood and Westminster;
resumption of Christian Aid lunches in the YMCA, Broughty Ferry, those who prepare and serve them throughout the year;
work in the Lincoln and Grimsby District (Methodist Homes);
those made homeless by the floods in Bihar, India, last summer,and agencies working with them (Christian Aid);
Hadana Kindergarten run by the Diocese of Egypt in a very poor area of Cairo (BibleLands);
The Leprosy Mission's work in Ethiopia, Sudan, & Uganda;
Bible Society work in China;
we pray with and for the peoples of Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey (WCC Prayer Calendar);
we remember fellow Methodists in Darlington (Darlington District) and in Granton (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).