It seems like an event at which Dundee and the Circuit should
have representation from among Ministers, Preachers & Worship
Leaders, workers with children, Stewards, anyone interested
The District Children's Work Support Group would like to see every
church and circuit send someone - please act quickly (by 1st March at
latest) as it may be booked up!
Prayer Points for this week
the President of Conference at the Forces' Chaplains Conference, Monday - Wednesday;
preparations for the World Day of Prayer on Friday 6th March;
Scotland District Policy Committee members;
Pastoral Visitors and Class Leaders in the Circuit's congregations;
work in the Northampton District (Methodist Homes);
Bible Society work in Ukraine;
Student Volunteers, especially in Sierra Leone (Christian Aid);
The Leprosy Mission's work in Botswana, D R Congo, and Zambia;
The Sheepfold's care for children with special needs in the Shepherds' Field area of Bethlehem (BibleLands);
we pray with and for the peoples of Germany and France (WCC Prayer Calendar);
we remember fellow Methodists in Helston and Mounts Bay (Cornwall District) and all in Mosspark Ecumenical Partnership (Glasgow Circuit).