It seems like an event at which Dundee and the Circuit should
have representation from among Ministers, Preachers & Worship
Leaders, workers with children, Stewards, anyone interested
The District Children's Work Support Group would like to see every
church and circuit send someone - please act quickly (by 1st March at
latest) as it may be booked up!
Prayer Points for this week
the President & Vice-President of Conference visiting the Chester and Stoke District next weekend;
Methodist Council meeting, High Leigh, Monday - Tuesday;
Scotland District Circuit Stewards' and Circuit Treasurers' meeting, Dunblane, Saturday;
Fiona Ross's Trial Service next Sunday in Blairgowrie;
work in the Nottingham & Derby District (Methodist Homes);
Bible Society work in Ukraine;
Coprodedpiy's work for tax justice in Honduras, launch of campaigns for tax justice round the world (Christian Aid);
The Leprosy Mission's promotional work in the British Isles, Southern Africa, and Canada;
Nazareth School of Nursing training women & men, Muslims, Christians, and Jews (BibleLands);
we pray with and for the peoples of Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Malta (WCC Prayer Calendar);
we remember fellow Methodists in the Launceston Area (Cornwall District) and in Pollokshaws (Glasgow Circuit).