Dundee Methodist Church

20 December 2009

Next Sunday: 27 December 2009

11 am
Worship led by the Rev Gerald Bostock

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Action for Children

Please note, that in line with our practice over many years, there will be an Offering during Worship on Christmas Day in support of AfCS. Envelopes are also available, for return in the offering plate during Sundays in December or early January.

Broughty Ferry Churches Group

  • The weekly Christian Aid Lunches in YMCA, Brook Street will resume on Friday 15th January.
  • Details of Services during Christmas in BFCG churches are available from David Easson, BFCG Secretary, or see local press.

Flower Rota 2010

Elaine writes: “It would be appreciated if you are arranging your own Flowers to let me know by Wednesday evening, otherwise I will assume that we are making arrangements to have them done.”

The new Flower Rota is available from today.

Health and Safety

A Dundee City Council “Health and Safety” official visited Marketgait last Monday morning. A report is now in the hands of both Sandy and David E. He was generally happy with the upkeep of the premises but there are two items which must be reported to you all now. Other matters for action will be reported to Finance & Property, and thence to Church Council.

  • “Immediate action is required regarding the access arrangements to the cellar of the property ….. no one is permitted to use the cellar ladders until a more substantial form of access has been put in place.”
  • Following his advice, we have now locked the electricity meter cupboard. Keys that were stored in there have been moved. If you require access to either the meter cupboard (there are still some tools in there) or the other two rooms, please ask Church Stewards or F&P people, if you do not know where the keys have been put. We are trying to maintain security; hence we are not publishing their whereabouts.
Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday 20th December, 7.30 pm Meadowside St Paul’s (map) Festive Music : our support is invited for this celebration. Musicians will include Dundee Instrumental Band, the Unicorn Singers and Soloists, and Bill Stevenson (organist), plus “audience participation” - also “festive treats and candle light”. Tickets £7 / £5 at the door.
Friday 25th December, 11 am Dundee Methodist Church Christmas Day Celebration Worship led by Mrs Jenny Easson

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Daily prayers are led at 9.00 - 9.15 am, with Network members particularly asked to join, if possible, on Wednesday mornings.

Prayers are invited for those staying in the House this week, and also for the Director, Carol Stobie, husband Neil, and son Finlay; the 5 Volunteers in the House; & all the staff.

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in December for work in Bangladesh. See noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • appointments of New General Secretary in Congo (Brazzaville) and in Central African Republic;
  • printing and launch of Bible in modern Sango in Central African Republic;
  • publication of Jula Bible in Burkina Faso and other translation work;
  • peaceful elections held in Benin;
  • on-going translation projects and close collaboration between churches in Togo;
  • launch of the Guiziga and Bulu Bibles in Cameroon.

Give a Bible for Christmas : see library area noticeboard and envelopes on Vestibule table for details of ways to commemorate Christ's birth by gifting a Bible to someone in need elsewhere in the world.

Prayer Points for this week

  • all who work in Methodist Church House, London;
  • CTBI (Churches Together in Britain and Ireland), CTE (Churches Together in England), CYTUN (Churches Together in Wales), and ACTS (Action of Churches Together in Scotland): their work, member churches and staff;
  • Christmas celebrations and worship in our Circuit;
  • schemes in Bristol (Methodist Homes);
  • the world's focus on Bethlehem (Christian Aid);
  • The Spafford Children's Centre in Jerusalem, offering integrated medical services (BibleLands);
  • The Leprosy Mission's relationship with people affected by leprosy;
  • Bible Society work in Bangladesh;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Ghana and Nigeria (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Pembrokeshire and in Pollokshaws (Glasgow Circuit).