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16 August 2009Next Sunday: 23 August 2009
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones. Pastoral CoverPlease note that Ministerial pastoral care for all the Circuit will be provided by the Rev David Firth from tomorrow until the end of this month. Presidential Visit to ScotlandDuring this week the Rev David and Mrs Liz Gamble are visiting Scotland, then travelling on to Shetland. Arrangements have been made for them to come to Dundee on Wednesday morning when they will pay a visit to the Link Club, before being taken to Perth for conversation over lunch in Scott Street. District Presbyters and Members of Synod have been invited to a gathering in Scottish Churches House in Dunblane at 2.45 pm, before the President and his wife return to their base in Edinburgh. The Vice-President, Dr Richard Vautrey, and family are also visiting our District, (including a proposed climb of Ben Nevis!) before meeting up with the Gambles in Shetland. Pastoral Care Re-allocationOn Monday evening the Ministers and Pastoral Visitors met to consider pastoral care of those on Dundee Membership Lists. The Pastoral Committee is delighted to accept the offer of Sheila Pearson to undertake “pastoral contact and care by phone”, with her list including Members who are in regular contact with others in the course of our Church life. Re-allocation of Members previously on Clare and Jean's lists was agreed and also some changes to other lists. Members for whom there is a change in their listed pastoral care will be advised of this as soon as possible. Anyone wishing to know their own “listing” may contact a Minster, Jenny Easson (Secretary), or any Pastoral Visitor. Synod hosted by Circuit in Dundee: Saturday 19th SeptemberThe Scotland District Synod will meet in Central Baptist Church, Ward Road, and all offers of help will be gratefully received by Keith Pearson, as Senior Circuit Steward, or by 'tricia Laurie / Sue Marshall-Jennings for catering. Stewards / Helpers are needed for
Although hosting Synod is a Circuit responsibility, local Dundee folk are being particularly looked to on this occasion. As a good number of our Circuit people will be occupied in being members of Synod, this makes it all the more important to have a good response from others! Please note the date NOW and contact Keith 'tricia or Sue to discuss how YOU can help! Institute of Biblical Studies CoursesSee leaflets on Vestibule table for details of courses at the Carrubbers Christian Centre, 65 High Street, Edinburgh from October 10th or contact direct - tel: 0131 556 2626, website www.ibsedinburgh.org Meetings this week
Support other OrganisationsScottish Bible SocietyOur support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in August for work in Brazil. See noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
Forthcoming events
Prayer Points for this week
* Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Western Samoa and French Overseas Territories of New Caledonia (Kananky) and French Polynesia (Tahiti).
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