Healing Rooms Scotland Training Course. Cost £15 (waged) / £10 (unwaged); bring
packed food for lunch. For more information / to book, phone 0141
637 4445; email
admin@healingrooms-scotland.com; website
“Turning the Church on its head”. This “District Event
for Everyone” is a successor to previous
'Resourcing' and 'Networking Days'. The facilitator will be the Rev Barbara Glasson (of “Fresh
Expressions” 'Bread Church - Somewhere Else'. Those who know Barbara
(ie Revs Lily Twist & David Firth) or have experienced her leadership
('tricia & Sandy and David E as delegates to Conference in Blackpool
2007) are enthusiastic about who she is and what she does. It sounds like a
stimulating day in the company of others -start making plans to be there!
“In Christ Alone”, a musical celebration
of the life of Christ, featuring Keith & Kristyn Getty, special guest
Stuart Townend, and the Dundee Gospel Choir and Orchestra. See leaflets on
Vestibule table for information.
Prayer Points for this week
celebration of Easter across the Christian traditions, including
Orthodox commemoration next weekend;
Mental Health Action Week, starting today;
Houses, staff & supporters in Scotland (Methodist Homes);
practical rehabilitation & reconciliation work of partners,
Avega and Ceformi in Rwanda (Christian Aid);
Jesuit Brothers' Association Training Centre, Egypt (BibleLands);
The Leprosy Mission's work in Guinea and Nigeria;
Bible Society work in Haiti;
we pray with and for the peoples of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan (WCC
Prayer Calendar);
we remember fellow Methodists in Falmouth (Cornwall District),
and in Clydebank (Glasgow Circuit).