Dundee Methodist Church

30 November 2008

Next Sunday: 7 December 2008

10.45 am
music for Advent'- Handel's “Messiah” Pt 1
11 am
Worship conducted by the Rev David Firth

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

“Fifth Sunday” - Café style Worship

Our Advent worship today is being prepared and led by Julya Walsh with the café-style setting we are using in Dundee on 'fifth Sundays of the month'.

The café-style setting will be continued into lunch, to give more time for talking together about points arising during worship. On these occasions there is usually enough food to share with drinks provided so please feel welcome to stay even if you have not 'come prepared'.

St Andrews' Day - 30th November

The following message has been sent by our Synod Chair, Rev Lily Twist:

“At the meeting of Church Leaders / Representatives with the First Minister on Thursday 9th October 2008, which I attended, the Churches group made the following commitment:

“The Leaders and Representatives of Scotland's Churches encourage our church communities and all people in Scotland to celebrate St Andrew's Day this year as a day of prayer and reflection in which we will hold the principles of social justice and the difficulties facing the nation and world in our hearts and prayers in faith and hope before God.”

The First Minister was very appreciative and supportive of this proposal. I should be very grateful if you would include the attached prayer agreed by all the denominations in any church publications and in worship on 30th November.

We did of course also inform the First Minister of the many other practical actions being taken by the churches and our ongoing commitment to contribute to the alleviation of difficulties which so many face. With thanks, Lily”

A Prayer for Scotland on St Andrew's Day


God in all lands and cultures, on our national day

we take time to reflect on the influences

and the inspirations of our past.

We think of Andrew our patron saint, who caught

a vision, followed it and enabled others to see it.

May we be women and men who follow our vision

and enable the dreams of others.

We are grateful for those in the past who have invested

their strength and wisdom,

their energy and commitment in the welfare

of the people of Scotland and beyond -

those who gave of themselves in working

for freedom and justice for all;

those who cared and sacrificed

for the good of everyone;

those who enabled our dreams and visions.

Not only do we think of our past -

we look to catch a glimpse of where you may be

at work in and through our country today.

We think prayerfully of those in power

and those who feel powerless;

of those in poverty and those in the place of plenty;

of those whose ancestors lived here

and of those have recently joined our national family;

and of those who work to break down barriers,

create peace and build a better Scotland.

May we be inspired and challenged by them

to follow our Christian vision

in our personal, community and national life.

God within us, between us and around us,

help us as individuals and as a nation to show

gratitude for what has been good in our past,

goodwill in the present and

hope with determination for the days ahead.

May we follow in the footsteps of Andrew as he followed

the vision of the Jesus whose advent we celebrate.

Ken Lawson
Quiet Day for Scotland Task Group
Action of Churches Together in Scotland

World Day of Prayer

A Methodist representative to the Dundee Committee is now sought to succeed Jean. Meetings are at 2.30 pm in Meadowside St Paul's Church Hall on Fridays 9th January, 13th February and 13th March 2009, to prepare for and report on the Day itself (Friday 6th March).

Contact Jean, Jenny or Mary Patterson if you can help : only females need apply!

Accommodation Request

“A friend of my daughter is looking for temporary lodgings with a family in Dundee. He is 28 years old and presently coming out of the forces. Originally from Essex, he doesn't want to return to areas of high population; he recently came to this area to act as best man at a wedding and was very impressed. Unfortunately, we are unable to help due to our family commitments. If anyone can help, I would be most grateful.” (Liz K)

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday 30th November, after worship 12.30 pm the Steeple Church, Dundee (map) St Andrew's Day Lunchtime Concert by Fair Witness - admission free. See posters / flyers on table.
Sunday 30th November, pm Broughty Ferry New Kirk Choir Concert
Wednesday 3rd December, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Circuit Leadership Team
Friday 5th December, 12 noon - 1.30 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid lunch. The weekly lunch (£2) comprises a choice of home-made soups, bread & coffee, plus conversation with friends 'old and new'.
Sunday 7th December, 6.30 pm Broughty Ferry New Kirk Youth Carol Service
Sunday 7th December, 7.15 pm Meadowside St Paul’s (map) Christmas Extravaganza concert. See noticeboard for details of artists; tickets, (£10 / £6 concessions including refreshments, from Dundee City Box Office or Meadowside St Paul's Halls. Our support is warmly invited.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Our prayerful support is invited this week, particularly at 9 am or anytime on Wednesday. This week we are asked to remember

  • House Refurbishment work and staff in the House
  • The new Director, Carol Stobie, and her family
  • Guests & events in the House this week -
    • Workplace Chaplaincy and Scottish Industrial Mission
    • Cathedral Advent Reflections
    • Worship in the Chapel
  • Copies of 'Inscape', the House Programme Booklet for 2009, are now available: contact SCH, 01786 823588.

    Scottish Bible Society

    Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in December for work in China where many in rural congregations travel considerable distances to worship and delight in receiving free copies of the Bible. See library area noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

    • SBS Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday;
    • successful year of BibleWorld SBS Studios - the annual servicing and roadworthiness preparation will take place during the winter;
    • American Bible Society & Scripture Union's 'Fan the Flame' Bible-reading programme;
    • Canadian Bible Society entering its second century with focus on adult non-readers, street people and their diverse ethnic cultures.

    Forthcoming events

    Date & timeVenueDetails
    Saturday 14th March. Coffee at 10.30am, 11am start, 4pm finish. Saughtonhall URC, 85/87 Saughtonhall Drive Edinburgh EH12 5TR Coffee at 10.30am, 11am start, 4pm finish. The Methodist District, together with our ecumenical partners, has organised a Messy Church event. The event speaker will be Lucy Moore who is part of the BRF's Barnabas team. The event is a must for anyone interested in building a Christ-centred community where parents, carers and children can share their creativity, eat a meal and worship together outside of Sunday worship.  Details and posters will follow. Cost £10 only.

    Prayer Points for this week

    • The President of Conference visiting British Army Forces in Germany;
    • Stationing Matching Group, Northampton, Monday - Tuesday;
    • Methodist and other Chaplains to the Forces, especially those serving in areas of conflict;
    • property personnel in the Circuit's churches;
    • work in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man (Methodist Homes);
    • Bible Society work in China;
    • The Leprosy Mission's work in South India;
    • World AIDS Day, December 1st (Christian Aid);
    • The Armenian Evangelical Social Centre School in Beirut, attended by 100 children, & its after-school homework club (BibleLands);
    • we pray with and for the peoples of Liberia and Sierra Leone (WCC Prayer Calendar);
    • we remember fellow Methodists in Swaledale and Teesdale (Darlington District) and the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church at Central Hall, (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit