Various workshops have been planned to give “tasters” of
aspects of church life and to offer opportunities for learning and sharing
new ideas. Facilitators have been drawn from Methodist, Church of Scotland,
Baptist, and Episcopal churches.
Lunch of soup and sandwiches will be provided, with tea & coffee at
the start and end of the Day. For programme details and booking form
(to provide an idea of numbers and workshop choices), please see Vestibule
table. If you wish to go, please return a completed form to / contact the
District Administrator, Fiona Inglis, Methodist Church Office, Scottish
Churches House, Dunblane FK15 0AJ; tel : 01786 820295; email
Strawberry Tea with Perthshire Youth Brass Band, opened by John Seinney MSP and
his wife Elizabeth Quigley. There will be a lucky dip, face painting and a cake stall.
Admission: adults £3, children and concessions £1.50.
Prayer Points for this week
The President of Conference's visit to Westminster Central Hall, next weekend;
preparations for District Resourcing Day next month;
those responsible for church premises in our Circuit;
projects in the East Anglia District (Methodist Homes);
The Leprosy Mission's work in Chad and Niger;
“Women Helping Women” in Pakistan* (Feed The Minds);
Bible Society work in Namibia;
work in schools and with young people, especially annual May Camp (Christian Aid);
we pray with and for the peoples of Botswana and Zimbabwe;
we remember fellow Methodists in the Leeds (North-East) Circuit (Leeds District), and in Alexandria (Glasgow Circuit).