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11 May 2008Next Sunday: 18th May 2008 -Trinity Sunday
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones. “Pentecost Fellowship Walk”A “Pentecost Fellowship Walk” organised by Broughty Ferry Churches Group will take place this afternoon to which all are warmly invited. The gathering place is St Luke's & Queen Street Church of Scotland, West Queen Street, Broughty Ferry at 2.30 pm, the route a gentle walk round the Ferry in the direction of the castle, and the conclusion a cup of tea in Our Lady of Good Counsel, Westfield Road. Please feel free to join in - from the start, en route, or for 'the cuppa together'. Superintendent's SabbaticalThe Rev David Firth asks us to note that he is now on sabbatical to 4th August. During this time he will be responding only to personal emails. Communications relating to the Circuit - and any other relevant matters - should be addressed to the acting Superintendent, Rev Mary Patterson. The Circuit Leadership Team is appointed as David's Support Group; they also exercise, on the Circuit's behalf, a responsibility of care for Mary Patterson. Broughty Ferry Pulpit ExchangeNext Sunday is being observed in some Ferry Churches as the annual Pulpit Exchange in which Jenny Easson will be taking part for Dundee Methodists. Please note, however, that worship in Marketgait will not be led by the Rev Graham Taylor as printed on the Plan, but by the Rev Mary Patterson. Graham offers his deep apologies for this late but necessary change and expresses his very real sense of being honoured at the invitation to conduct and share Communion with us. It is hoped that there will be provision during the autumn for him to do so. District Resourcing DayEveryone is again invited to the annual Scotland Methodist District Resourcing Day, which will be held this year on Saturday 14th June in Viewlands Primary School, Perth (map) , from 10 am to 4.15 pm. Various workshops have been planned to give “tasters” of aspects of church life and to offer opportunities for learning and sharing new ideas. Facilitators have been drawn from Methodist, Church of Scotland, Baptist, and Episcopal churches. Lunch of soup and sandwiches will be provided, with tea & coffee at the start and end of the Day. For programme details and booking form (to provide an idea of numbers and workshop choices), please see Vestibule table. If you wish to go, please return a completed form to / contact the District Administrator, Fiona Inglis, Methodist Church Office, Scottish Churches House, Dunblane FK15 0AJ; tel : 01786 820295; email meth@scottishchurcheshouse.org Christian Aid WeekDuring this week our support is invited for the work of Christian Aid. As our link-person, Margaret will be pleased to receive and forward money from
'Burma Cyclone' ResponsesThe Methodist Church in Great Britain has sent £10,000 to the Methodist Church in Myanmar (sic) as a practical sign of solidarity and has also launched a joint Appeal with Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF). Christian Aid has also launched an Appeal for funds in addition to an initial donation of £50,000. Malcolm's retiral - memories requested'tricia has ascertained that the Rev Malcolm Rothwell will be retiring from active Methodist Circuit ministry from 1st September this year and that there is to be a 'farewell do' for him at the end of this month (May). She has it in mind to prepare and send him a 'wee booklet' (or similar) with greetings / memories / good wishes from friends in Dundee. If you have (suitable!) memories or greetings, which you wish to be included, please contact her as soon as possible. Events this week
Support other OrganisationsScottish Bible SocietyOur support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in May for work in Namibia. See library area noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
Forthcoming events
Prayer Points for this week
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