Dundee Methodist Church

23 March 2008

Next Sunday: 30 March 2008

10.45 am
Coffee available
10.55 am
11 am
Worship and reflection around “Stations of the Resurrection”, guided by Jenny Easson

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Easter message from Rev Martyn Atkins, the President of the Methodist Conference (extracts)

(Fulltext at http://www.methodist-presandvp.blogspot.com/)

“Donald English used to say that death and resurrection is not simply what happened to Jesus but is the deep movement God implants in all creation. The Christian God is a God of death and resurrection.”

“Our world lives with death and resurrection in many ways and in many places. An 'average' news broadcast gives cause to both weep and rejoice. In places of death and darkness we must continue to weep with those who weep and 'look for the morning' as people of resurrection faith and hope. With those who rejoice in life and hope we must celebrate and point to God, the giver of it all.”

“Our Easter faith is not death or resurrection, it is death and resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus is not a reversal of death. It is much more than that. The risen Jesus is known by the scars of crucifixion. He is the Living One who Died. But now he is alive forever. And, marvellously, he stands today with this needy world in the reality of death and the promise of new life. This ministry he shares with us, his Easter People Church, a people bearing the marks of both death and new life. A people who know and live out the profound truth that death and resurrection life both lie deep in the purposes of God, in whom all things will be well. Alleluia!”

“Fifth Sunday in the Month” : 30th March

Worship in Marketgait next Sunday will take the form of a series of reflections on “Stations of the Resurrection”. Please note the following to help preparation for what may be a different approach to the 'normal Sunday Service':

  • seating will be 'café-style', ie around tables;
  • coffee, tea & juice will be available at the hatch from 10.45 am and again after worship;
  • there will be a short introduction at 10.55 am including learning music;
  • this is for 'all-ages', with a small crèche 'activity area' for 'wee ones';
  • 'tricia is co-coordinator for participation by members of the congregation.

Please contact 'tricia or Jenny for more information.

Easter Offerings Appeal

Envelopes for contributions in support of this annual appeal for the work of the Fund for World Mission are still available from the Vestibule table for return in the offering plate in forthcoming Sundays. This year's Appeal theme is “Making a Difference, Transforming Lives”.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday 23rd March, 7.30 pm Caird Hall (map) “Resurrection Day”
Friday 28th March, 12 noon - 1 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Hunger Lunch for Christian Aid; a warm welcome (and choice of soups!) are assured.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in March for work in India. See library area noticeboard.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • plans to translate the Bible into modern Croatian - a long-term, expensive project;
  • 'Year of the Bible' in Hungary, bringing new supporters from inside and outside churches;
  • increasing demand from refugees in Austria for free Scriptures, with effects on funds and the small administrative team;
  • thanks for success of 'Year of the Bible 2007' in Slovenia where good relations continue to be built with churches;
  • opportunities for distribution of Catholic, Protestant and inter-confessional Bibles in Italy.

“Wellgate love wellbeing”

The Wellgate Centre Dundee is organising a Wellgate Wellbeing Walk in aid of Leukaemia Research on Sunday 11th May at 11 am. For details see letter on Vestibule table, poster on noticeboard downstairs or contact www.wellgatedundee.co.uk.

For more about leukaemia research, visit www.lrf.org.uk or contact Yvonne Dickson (0131 661 9224).

Prayer Points for this week

  • Montrose Hall Management Committee, Wednesday;
  • Blairgowrie Action Group, Thursday;
  • projects in the Bolton & Rochdale District (Methodist Homes);
  • fair sharing of the world's resources (Christian Aid);
  • The Leprosy Mission's partnership with patients;
  • Bible Society work in India;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of China;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Batley Circuit (Leeds District), and all in Mosspark Ecumenical Partnership (Glasgow Circuit).