Dundee Methodist Church

22 June 2008

Next Sunday: 29 June 2008 - “Fifth Sunday”

10.45 am
11.00 am
“Café-style church” including the annual General Church Meeting, led by the Rev Mary Patterson, with presentations to Children's Group and crèche

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Petition - Urgent!!

As reported in the Courier this week, Broughty Ferry New Kirk is supporting Josie Pasane in her Appeal to the Home Secretary after refusal of permission to remain with her family in the UK. A copy of the petition is available for signing this morning before leaving Marketgait.

The Petition pages must be with Stewart Hosie MP this evening as he leaves for Westminster early tomorrow.

An on-line petition has also been opened at www.ipetitions.com/petition/keep_josie_in_the_uk.

Prayer Handbook

Orders for new edition today please: sign the list on the Vestibule table or contact Heather direct.

Circuit Fun Day

This year's Event is to take place next Saturday (28th June) in Crombie Country Park, starting at 11 am. There will be a BBQ (bring a cup - and your own picnic if you prefer) plus activities aiming to suit all ages and abilities. A marquee is being hired in case of doubtful weather.

See leaflet on Vestibule table for details about Crombie. Car-parking is available at the entrance; only those with “disabled stickers” will be allowed further.

It would be helpful to friends at Arbroath and Blairgowrie, as organisers, to have an idea of numbers so please let our Senior Steward, Mary, know if you hope to go; this may also be useful for coordinating transport.

“Fifth Sunday Worship” - 29th June

Next Sunday's Worship on the fifth Sunday of the month, will again be in the form of “café-style” seating and presentation. Coffee will be served from 10.45 am and formal worship will begin at 11 am. This is to create the setting for the annual General Church Meeting which will include appropriate reports and (re)election of Church Stewards & representatives to the Church Council. There will also be presentations to members of the Children's Group and crèche.

Children's Work Group

  • To enable the crèche / younger children to continue to have some play activity downstairs on Sunday mornings over the summer holidays (July - mid-August), additional volunteers for that period would be welcome onto the regular crèche rota. This is especially necessary in July because of holiday commitments. Please sign the list on the glass Vestibule table or contact Louisa to offer help as soon as possible.
  • ALL ADULTS on Children's Group / Crèche rotas should obtain Enhanced Safeguarding Disclosures. Forms may be obtained from Ian, to be verified on completion by the Rev Mary Patterson. As Mary will be in Marketgait next Sunday (29th June), it has been suggested that it would be helpful to obtain and complete forms now so she can check them then.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in June for SBS BibleWorld Studios and in July for work in Papua New Guinea. See library area noticeboard for more information.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • Just for Kids team's music and drama presentations to youngsters in schools & various locations in Iraq;
  • celebrations of 40 years of Bible work in Cambodia, also work of Bible van in remote areas;
  • Catholic Bishops considering 'The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church';
  • visitors to and volunteers at the two BibleWorlds over the past school year;
  • success of BibleWorld project in the Netherlands Antilles, also work of the Bible Bus;
  • support of the translation of the Kobon New Testament in Papua New Guinea, also 13 other such projects.

Feed The Minds New Project (2)

Craftshare Vocational Training Centre - Sierra Leone

This Centre provides training in Christian education and basic literacy to members of the local community. Provision of Study Guides, Exercise books, writing implements and other equipment has enabled education of 844 registered participants.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference at the Cliff College Graduation on Saturday 28th June
  • Methodist Conference in Scarborough, 3rd - 10th July;
  • Scotland's representatives to Conference, including 'tricia and Sandy;
  • social gatherings of Members and friends in this Circuit;
  • projects in the Liverpool District (Methodist Homes);
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in Mozambique, Southern Africa, & Zimbabwe;
  • Shekel Community Services' work for people with special needs in Israel - Palestine (Feed The Minds);
  • Bible Society work in Scotland and in Papua New Guinea;
  • work in the Caribbean, especially in places affected by hurricanes (Christian Aid);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the St Neots and Huntingdon Circuit (East Anglia District) and in Barrhead (Ayrshire & Renfrewshire Circuit).