15 June 2008
Next Sunday: 22 June 2008
- 11 am
- Worship led by Mrs Jenni Whittle
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Children's Work Group
- To enable the crèche / younger children to continue
to have some play activity downstairs on Sunday mornings over
the summer holidays (July-mid August), additional volunteers
for that period would be welcome onto the regular crèche rota.
This is especially necessary in July because of holiday commitments.
Please sign the list on the glass Vestibule table or contact Louisa
to offer help as soon as possible.
- ALL ADULTS on Children's Group / Crèche rotas
should obtain Enhanced Safeguarding Disclosures. Forms may be
obtained from Ian, to be verified on completion by the Rev Mary
Patterson. As Mary will be in Marketgait on Sunday 29th June,
it has been suggested that it would be helpful to obtain and complete
forms now so she can check them then.
Prayer Handbook
Orders for new edition as soon as possible to Heather, please.
“Urban Jungle” outing
An outing has been arranged for the older children (age 11-15) to
attend an “Urban Jungle” workshop at Dundee Contemporary
Arts, which will focus on artwork using the colours, designs and patterns
found in nature. Afterwards there will be a picnic at Magdalen Green
weather permitting - otherwise an 'indoor picnic' in Marketgait.
News-sheet News
- Next week's will be a 2-week edition produced Thursday - Friday: material to the editors in good time please.
- If anyone might find an enlarged news-sheet helpful, contact David or Jenny.
Events this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Monday 16th June, 6.30 pm - 9 .30 pm |
Dundee Methodist Church, upstairs |
Starter Packs Dundee AGM - for a news item about Starter Packs see
Courier News story
Thursday 19th June, 7.15 pm |
St Andrew's Church and Glasite Hall, King Street
One World Centre AGM. The Methodist Church is a member - its first
premises were in Marketgait pre-refurbishment!. After a brief session for business and reports, there will
be a musical presentation of the year's highlights and a cold 'pot-luck'
supper. A copy of the Annual Report for 2007-8 is on the Vestibule table:
ask Norah for further information.
Saturday 21st June, 2 - 4 pm |
Methodist Church, Blairgowrie PH10 7EH |
with Perthshire Youth Brass Band, opened by John Seinney MSP and
his wife Elizabeth Quigley. There will be a lucky dip, face painting and a cake stall.
Admission: adults £3, children and concessions £1.50. |
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in June for SBS BibleWorld Studios. See library area noticeboard for more information.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- sustaining of work in the very difficult circumstances in Sudan;
school, church, youth and HIV/AIDS projects in the East Caribbean,
especially in Trinidad where half the population live;
- provision of study vehicles for outreach in Guyana and French Guinea;
- 50 translation projects and Lectio Divina project in America Area;
- record distribution of nearly 5.6 million Bibles in Brazil and contact
with 51 million people through social programmes.
Andrée Ryan has emailed her thanks for the welcome
she received last Sunday when she spoke to us about the work of
the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.
If you have not yet had opportunity, please look at the display
on the boards and also take a copy of the “What we can do”
sheet. There is also a list to sign to have regular updates about EAPPI.
“Trees for Life - Planting Peace in Palestine”, run by the
Palestine Fair Trade Association in partnership with Zaytoun and Olive
Co-operative, aims to offset the destruction of over 500,000 olive trees
over the last 8 years. For details see
www.olivecoop.com or contact Trees for Life, Olive Co-op,
Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Manchester M4 7HR.
Zaytoun Olive Oil can be obtained direct from Andrée Ryan
(01382 550210) or in The Health Store, Commercial Street, Dundee.
See also www.zaytoun.org or
Prayer Points for this week
- The President of Conference in the Sheffield District and the Vice-President in the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District next weekend;
- The President-designate of Conference, Rev Stephen Poxon, and the Vice-President-designate, Mr David Walton;
- work of the Relief and Extension Fund for Methodism in Scotland, especially its administrator, David Upton, who has been in hospital;
- projects in the Lincoln and Grimsby District (Methodist Homes);
- The Leprosy Mission's work in South India;
- Empati, Christian development organisation in Indonesia (Feed The Minds);
- Bible Society work in Scotland through BibleWorld;
- work with Jamaican people and projects (Christian Aid);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Brazil;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Cambridge Circuit (East Anglia District) and in Greenock (Ayrshire & Renfrewshire Circuit).