Dundee Methodist Church

8 June 2008

Next Sunday: 15 June 2008

11 am
Worship led by Mr Charles Richmond

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

World Church Sunday

  • Today's act of worship is being planned around a presentation by Andrée Ryan who last year was in the Israel - Palestine West Bank with EAPPI, the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel, with further opportunity for conversation over a shared faith lunch after.
  • The older children will remain upstairs throughout but the crèche and younger ones will leave and return as usual.
  • There are Palestinian goods on display / for sale.

Children's Work Group Request

Please note and respond promptly as you are able to the following request for help during summer:

To enable the crèche / younger children to continue to have some play activity downstairs on Sunday mornings over the summer holidays (July-mid August), additional volunteers for that period would be welcome onto the regular crèche rota. This is especially necessary in July because of holiday commitments.

Please sign the list on the glass Vestibule table or contact Louisa to offer help.

Email a wish or prayer for peace to Bethlehem

This Week of Action by the World Council of Churches is offered as a time for global advocacy when individuals and groups around the world send wishes and messages for peace, to be shared with parishes, schools and organisations in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. The messages will help to remind Palestinians cut off from each other and the outside world that they are not forgotten. Email messages will be read aloud in Bethlehem's Manger Square today, and in the evening, people of Bethlehem will form a “living clock” to commemorate the six decades of living as refugees and uprooted people since 1948, and the 41 years of occupation.

International Church Action for Peace in Palestine and Israel (4th - 10th June) has participants in 17 countries this year and reaches out to ecumenical contacts in many more. There will be events in Edinburgh, Canberra, Manila and Oslo - and places in between!

Methodist Homes

As this Sunday has been designated Methodist Homes Sunday, envelopes for donations in support of its work among older people have been distributed for return in the offering plate today or in the coming weeks. Thanks.

District Resourcing Day - Reminder!

Please consider coming to the annual Scotland Methodist District Resourcing Day, on Saturday 14th June from 10 am to 4.15 pm in Viewlands Primary School, Perth (map) . For programme details and booking forms, see Vestibule table; send completed form as soon as possible to the District Administrator, Methodist Church Office, Scottish Churches House, Dunblane FK15 0AJ.

Women of Faith in the Media

An invitation is extended to all women to the Scottish Interfaith Council&39;s annual Women&39;s Seminar to be held this year on Tuesday 17th June at Discovery Point from 10 am to 3 pm. The event is free but registration is required as soon as possible: see poster on noticeboard or contact Carrie Varjavandi by phone 0141 420 6982, email cvarjavandi@interfaithscotland.org.


There will be a 2-week edition at the end of this month - material to the editors in good time please!

Events this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 10th June, 6 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “B” “Fifth Sunday Group”
Tuesday 10th June, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Finance & Property Committee
Wednesday 11th June, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “B” Service & Mission Committee
Saturday 14th June, 10 am to 4.15 pm Viewlands Primary School, Perth (map) District Resourcing Day; everyone is invited to this annual event.
Various workshops have been planned to give “tasters” of aspects of church life and to offer opportunities for learning and sharing new ideas. Facilitators have been drawn from Methodist, Church of Scotland, Baptist, and Episcopal churches.
Lunch of soup and sandwiches will be provided, with tea & coffee at the start and end of the Day. For programme details and booking form (to provide an idea of numbers and workshop choices), please see Vestibule table. If you wish to go, please return a completed form to / contact the District Administrator, Fiona Inglis, Methodist Church Office, Scottish Churches House, Dunblane FK15 0AJ; tel : 01786 820295; email meth@scottishchurcheshouse.org

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in June for SBS BibleWorld Studios. See library area noticeboard for more information.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • translation work and broadcasts of 'Faith Comes by Hearing' recordings in Uganda;
  • process to appoint new Director for Bible Society Board in Central African Republic;
  • translations of Old Testament into Ngbandi and study Bibles into Swahili & Lingala in Democratic Republic of Congo;
  • completion of the official registration of the Bible Society in Nepal, enabling distribution of Scriptures in Nepali and other languages.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 21st June, 2 - 4 pm Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie PH10 7EH Strawberry Tea with Perthshire Youth Brass Band, opened by John Seinney MSP and his wife Elizabeth Quigley. There will be a lucky dip, face painting and a cake stall. Admission: adults £3, children and concessions £1.50.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference at the West Yorkshire Mission Day next Saturday;
  • preparations for Conference in Scarborough, 3rd - 10th July;
  • Methodist Ministers in their family life;
  • projects in the Leeds District (Methodist Homes);
  • The Leprosy Mission's administrative work and staff;
  • 'Impact' Counselling Centre in India (Feed The Minds);
  • Bible Society work in Scotland through BibleWorld;
  • visit to Glasgow of Christian Health Association of Malawi personnel (Christian Aid);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Angola and Mozambique;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the former Douglas and Peel, Castletown, and Ramsey Circuits (Isle of Man District) and in Girvan (Ayrshire & Renfrewshire Circuit).