Dundee Methodist Church

27 January 2008

Next Sunday: 03 February 2008

10.45 am
“early singing”
11 am
Worship led by Mr Charles Richmond

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Worship Group résumé

At the recent meeting, there was discussion of

  • the placing of Bible Readings during worship
  • “early singing” - volunteer leaders still wanted!!
  • worship during Lent (Ash Wednesday is 6th February) on the theme “Conversations on a Lenten Journey” ('Roots 2008' material);
  • arrangements to prepare worship on the fifth Sunday in March;

Date of next meeting: Thursday 22nd May.

Finance and Property Points

The Committee draws our attention to the following, arising from its meeting this week:

  • a recommendation to the Church Council for an immediate donation to the Scottish Churches House Jubilee Appeal and the proceeds of the March Communion Offering (with Home Missions being moved to the June Communion);
  • recommendation to the Church Council for allocation of Communion Offerings in July (Scottish Churches Housing Action) and November (Earl Haig Fund);
  • request that any items needed / in short supply for “Marketgait housekeeping”, be recorded in the Vestry Property Book or notified to Norah;
  • information re use of Charity Number (see below)
  • discussion also took place on finance statements and payments for Chair Stacker & Cleaner.

Date of next meeting arranged for Tuesday 10th June.

Charity Number Use - Important advice

Secretaries and Treasurers (and others producing documentation / papers under the name of Dundee Methodist Church) are advised that OSCR will require our Charity Number to be recorded on (virtually) all paperwork wef 31st March 2008. Our number is (NB 0 is figure zero, not alphabet letter)

Broughty Ferry Churches Group - The Season of Lent

BFCG invites our participation in marking Lent:

  • Ash Wednesday 6th February : Service of Ashes - 7.30 pm Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC);
  • Wednesdays 13th February - 12th March: events on themed series “Jesus and….” at 7 pm.

Dundee Methodists have been asked to lead worship / thinking on Wednesday 12th March (venue in BF to be notified) on the theme “Jesus and the community of Broughty Ferry”. Please contact Jenny, David or Kate with thoughts, material, offers to take part: it would be good to have a number of us involved on this occasion.

Scottish Churches House Jubilee Appeal

The Appeal to raise £500,000 for improvement of residential accommodation and conference facilities was launched in Stirling on 16th January at a Civic Lunch to mark the 90th birthday of Dr Ian Fraser, first Warden of SCH.

The House was founded in 1960 as “a place that the churches hold in common and from which they develop their ministry and mission together”. This ecumenical 'intention' remains its purpose today as SCH is held in the name of the nine churches of ACTS.

The House hosts its own events (see Programme) and those of a variety of church groups and secular organisations, as well as being available to individuals for retreats and holidays.

The Jubilee Appeal (SCH's Golden Jubilee is in 2010) is based on the Interim Management Group's costed business plan to set the House on a firm footing for 'the next fifty years'.

Methodists have a record of commitment to the House, with members serving on its staff, committees, & Friends as well as it being the location of our District Office and a meeting-place for Preachers (for over 30 years), Network and other groups.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 30th January, 10 am - 2 pm Dundee Methodist Church, upstairs District Complaints Panel
Friday 1st February, 12 noon - 1 pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Hunger Lunch for Christian Aid; a warm welcome (and choice of soups!) are assured.
Saturday - Sunday 2nd - 3rd February, 12 noon - 1 pm Dunblane District Preachers' Conference

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

oOur support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in January for work in Peru and in February for work in Ghana. See library area noticeboard.

oOur prayerful attention is drawn this week to:

  • potential effects of government policy on freedom of worship & Scripture distribution in Bolivia;
  • revision and finalisation of the Old Testament, Children's Bible and Words of Wisdom series in Laos;
  • planned 3-year distribution of 1 million Bibles to school children in Ghana;
  • 'Bread of Life' and 'Christian Values' ministries to poor children in Peru, work among victims of earthquake 6 months ago.

Bethany Christian Trust

Thanks are expressed to all who bought 'Caring Christmas Trees' in support of their work among the homeless in Fife: “We sold 3822 trees and raised over £45,000.” There will be a 'Bethany Big Sleep Out'on Friday 7th March. See also www.bethanychristiantrust.com.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference in Kenya, to Wednesday;
  • Lay Staff Pension Scheme Board meeting, Thursday;
  • Perth Family Committee meeting, tomorrow;
  • projects in the West Yorkshire District, dedicated care staff (Methodist Homes Prayer Diary);
  • Holocaust Memorial Day today, those affected by racism and genocide (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Peru and in Ghana;
  • roving teaching institute of the Institute of Communication Studies in Lima, Peru ('Feed The Minds');
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in China, Korea, and Laos;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Ossett and Horbury Circuit (Leeds District), and in Abbeyhill (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).