Dundee Methodist Church

21 December 2008

Next Sunday: 28 December 2008

11 am
Worship led by Mrs Fiona Ross

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Christmas Cards posted in the box

Please uplift from the table today and help in distributing to family, friends, & neighbours.

Action for Children (formerly NCH)

December is the month when, traditionally, Dundee Methodists have focused on support for Methodism's “child and family-care arm”.

Please therefore note opportunities to do so through

  • Offering on Christmas Day
  • Envelopes (please use for Gift Aid) returned via the offering plate today or in coming Sundays.

Worship next Sunday

This will be led by Fiona Ross, as a Local Preacher “On Note” (ie 'in training'). Fiona, who grew up and was active in Dundee Methodist Church and now lives in Montrose, has shared three times in leading worship with Jenny as her appointed Mentor. She has prepared and will lead the Service next Sunday as leading towards her Trial Service in February. This will be formally reported for the Circuit Preachers Meeting's consideration of her move to “On Trial” status.

Your support of Fiona by prayer and presence is invited next Sunday and as she continues the exploration of her calling and training through leading worship and studies with Jean Murrie, Circuit Preachers Tutor.

Flower Rota

Elaine writes “I would like to thank everyone on the Flower Rota for this past year. The Flower Rota for 2009 is now available from the table at the top of the stairs. I do still have some vacant dates for 2009; if you feel you could help, please contact me.”

“Prayer Magazine”

2 copies of Issue No 15 of this publication are on the Vestibule table. If you wish to take one, read and return it, the Revs Mary Patterson & David Firth would be interested to receive any comments or feedback.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 24th December various Acts of Worship in our local communities (see press for details).
Thursday 25th Decembe, 11 am Dundee Methodist Church Worship led by Sue Marshall

Support other Organisations

Scottish Churches House Prayer Network

Our prayerful support is invited this and every week, particularly at 9 am or anytime on Wednesday. We are asked to continue to remember all staff in the holiday period of Christmas and the New Year.

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in December for work in China. See library area noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • plans for an interactive Bible museum in Spain, where new offices have recently been opened;
  • launch of the revised modern Portuguese Bible, the only inter-confessional translation in the language;
  • marking of 50 years of Bible work by the Malta Bible Society;
  • Sahel Project in Mauritania, Alpha Project in Guinea-Bissau, new General Secretary in Guinea Conakry, church relations in Cape Verde;
  • launch of the first Moroccan New Testament.

Prayer Points for this week

  • leaders of worship in Methodist and ecumenical partner churches over the Christmas season;
  • the people of Israel-Palestine, especially those in Bethlehem;
  • Chaplains to the Forces, especially those away from home and on active duty in war zones;
  • work in the Darlington District (Methodist Homes);
  • Bible Society work in China;
  • all people affected by leprosy, their families and carers;
  • those making forced journeys, refugees, the homeless, children born into poverty, those in fear and fleeing from danger (Christian Aid);
  • Sheepfold Day Care Centre, in the Shepherds' Fields area of Bethlehem, caring for children and teenagers with special needs (BibleLands);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Ghana and Nigeria (WCC Prayer Calendar);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Cleveland and Danby (Darlington District) and in Cockenzie (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).