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13 April 2008Next Sunday: 20 April 2008
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones. Easter Offerings AppealEnvelopes for contributions in support of this annual appeal for the work of the Fund for World Mission are still available from the Vestibule table for return in the offering plate in forthcoming Sundays. This year’s Appeal theme is “Making a Difference, Transforming Lives”. A clash of dates: can you help?On Sunday 27th April, the Circuit’s Service of Recognition and Commissioning for Julya Walsh, as a Methodist Local Preacher will be held in Blairgowrie at 3 pm. Our support for Julya on this significant occasion is warmly invited and it is hoped that there will be good representation from Dundee. However…an invitation has also been received by the Rev David Firth to a special Service, which he would have wished to attend. The retiral of the Rev Alastair Keddie as Minister of Dundee Congregational Church is also being marked on Sunday 27th April at 3 pm and an invitation has been sent to David and the Dundee Methodist congregation to join in the Service of Celebration of Alastair’s Ministry. David would be grateful to hear from or of anyone who could attend this service in Dundee Congregational Church and so represent Dundee Methodists. A response by 18th April has been requested, to help with catering: if you can assist, please contact David or a Church Steward as soon as possible. There is a copy of the invitation letter on the Vestibule table. Meetings this week
Support other OrganisationsScottish Bible SocietyOur support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in April for work in Russia. See library area noticeboard for more information. Our prayerful attention is drawn in the next 2 weeks to
“Wellgate love wellbeing”The Wellgate Centre Dundee is organising a Wellgate Wellbeing Walk in aid of Leukaemia Research on Sunday 11th May at 11 am. For details see letter on Vestibule table, poster on noticeboard downstairs or contact www.wellgatedundee.co.uk. For more about leukaemia research, visit www.lrf.org.uk or contact Yvonne Dickson (0131 661 9224). Scottish Churches HouseReminder that donations to the Jubilee Appeal are invited by the end of April, in advance of the meeting of the ACTS Forum in May, which will decide the future of the House on the basis of known support for the Appeal. Donations marked “Jubilee Appeal”, with Gift-aid also indicated if wished, can be sent to Scottish Churches House, Dunblane, KY15 0AJ. There are Pledge Forms on the Vestibule table. Prayer Points for this week
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