Dundee Methodist Church

11 November 2007

Next Sunday: 18 November 2007

Prisons Sunday

11 am
Worship led by the Rev David Firth

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Rotary Shoe Box Scheme - collection time!

Alan Suttie requests that filled boxes are brought to Marketgait and left under the Vestibule table for collection by himself today or as soon as possible.

UNICEF Jars of Grace

Jars are available today on the Vestibule table, for return next Sunday. This year's theme is “Water for Children”. See leaflets, which also provide for Gift Aid.

Holy Communion - change of date

Because arrangements have been made for a Service of Confirmation for Fiona on Sunday 25th November, the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be conducted then by the Rev Mary Patterson, and not next Sunday by the Rev David Firth.

Worship Group Items to note

At the recent meeting those present discussed / decided:

  • ways of describing “who we are” for the website;
  • continuation of Church Council thoughts towards introduction of “Café Church-style worship” for each fifth Sunday of the month in 2008;
  • Advent worship, also a “Faith Lunch” after worship (as the 'Growing From The Inside Out' lunches) on Sundays 2nd December, 9th December, and 16th December, to enable shared conversation on “the trappings of Christmas” based on ideas from “Alternativity”;
  • worship on Christmas Day to be at 11 am;
  • Local Preachers Sunday recommended to be observed in Dundee on 10th February 2008;
  • date of next meeting - Tuesday 15th January 2008

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 13th November, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church Children's Work Meeting to continue discussions, started at a previous meeting on 13th August, about how best to meet the needs of all the youngsters in our church. EVERYONE who has an interest in this, or has some ideas to contribute, is very welcome to attend. If you can't be there, contact Mary Patterson, Lorna or Margaret.
Tuesday 13th November, 7.30 pm Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, Glasgow (underground Kelvingrove) or see www.woodlandsmethodistchurch.org.uk The Woodlands Lecture Series - A series of public lectures. Rev Lily Twist (Chair of the Scotland Synod) - “Hankering for holistic worship”. Admission is free - refreshments after.
Wednesday 14th November, 2.15 pm St Luke's & Queen Street Church of Scotland, West Queen Street, Broughty Ferry (map) Mission Aviation Fellowship Broughty Ferry support group; the Scottish Director, Andy Martin, will speak on working in Tanzania. A warm invitation is extended to all friends to this meeting.
Wednesday 14th November, 6.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, small room Membership Exploration conversations in Marketgait, as a preliminary to Confirmation / Admission to Full Membership of the Methodist Church. Anyone else interested in exploring membership, or what “belonging to the church” involves, will be very welcome.
Wednesday 14th November, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “B” Safeguarding Group
Saturday 17th November, 10 am to 4 pm New Stevenston Methodist Church, Jerviston Street, New Stevenston “Explore” - Social Responsibility and Evangelism” - with David Rogerson (District Coordinator, Evangelism & Mission), organised by the Lanarkshire Circuit. Light lunch provided; to book contact Sandra Paterson, tel: 01698 254509; sandrapaterson1@yahoo.co.uk
Saturday 17th November 'Sing Like the Saved'. See www.dundeeforchrist.com or contact Ian Black, The Steeple, Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4DG; tel (01382) 204700 / 07704773382; email ian@dundeeforchrist.com

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in November for work in the Dominican Republic. See library area noticeboard for more details.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to:

  • completion of the Tupuri Bible and 5 translation projects in Cameroon, also HIV/AIDS prevention programme;
  • work on the Gbaya Bible in Central African Republic, completed New Testament, and good progress on Old Testament translations;
  • plans for translation projects, recruitment of distributors, and opening of new depots in Gabon;
  • presentation of Bibles to new police and defence force graduates in New Zealand;
  • distribution of print & audio material in Azerbaijan.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 24th November, 10 am to 3 pm St Luke's & Queen Street Church of Scotland, West Queen Street, Broughty Ferry (map) Advent Quiet Day: a time of meditation, stillness, relaxation, peace, - with worship, listening, eating, craft, bookstall - and fun! All welcome.
Monday 3rd December, 10 am to 8 pm St Luke's & Queen Street Church of Scotland, West Queen Street, Broughty Ferry (map) “Tree For Life Festival”: decoration of trees by church groups. Proceeds to cancer research.
Tuesday 3rd to Saturday 8th December, 10 am to 3 pm St Luke's & Queen Street Church of Scotland, West Queen Street, Broughty Ferry (map) “Tree For Life Festival”: public viewing of decorated trees, refreshments served. If anyone, especially “Ferry Methodists”, can help by providing home baking and / or serving refreshments, contact Jenny or David Easson, or Anne Anderson (01382 738620). Proceeds to cancer research.
Friday 7th December, 7.30 pm St Luke's & Queen Street Church of Scotland, West Queen Street, Broughty Ferry (map) “Tree For Life Festival”: 'Tread the Boards' Concert, followed by mulled wine & mince pies, auction of decorated trees. If anyone, especially “Ferry Methodists”, can help by providing home baking and / or serving refreshments, contact Jenny or David Easson, or Anne Anderson (01382 738620). Proceeds to cancer research.
Saturday 8th December St Luke's & Queen Street Church of Scotland, West Queen Street, Broughty Ferry (map) “Tree For Life Festival”: Special Visit by Santa (collection of auctioned trees after 3 pm). Proceeds to cancer research.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference at the Scottish Mission Partners Conference, Edinburgh, this weekend;
  • Methodist Youth Conference, Cardiff, next weekend;
  • Connexional Lay Workers' Retreat, Tuesday - Thursday;
  • members of the Methodist Diaconal Order in Scotland, especially Mark Wynne stationed in Inverness;
  • local Safeguarding Officers in the Circuit's churches;
  • projects in the Leeds District, families of residents & new residents in Homes (Methodist Homes Prayer Diary);
  • HIV/AIDS programmes in Burkina Faso, especially in rural areas of Ouagadougou ('Feed The Minds');
  • Bible Society work in the Dominican Republic;
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in Myanmar and Thailand;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Republic of Congo, Gabon, São Tomé and Principe;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Louth Circuit (Lincoln & Grimsby District), and our own Dundee community (Angus, Dundee & Perthshire Circuit).