26 August 2007
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Pastoral Committee papers
These are available for the meeting on Wednesday - please see David E today or collect
from 'pastoral' tray in the Office before the meeting.
Worship Group Résumé
Those present at the meeting last Tuesday discussed and agreed
- arrangements for commemorating 'Harvest' -
- Saturday 15th September “Fair Trade” Coffee Morning,
10.30 am to 12 noon, suggested
donation of £1.50 for MRDF, for baking (using “Fair Trade” ingredients if possible!)
please see sheet on Vestibule table;
- Sunday 16th September, worship to be led by the Rev Gerald Bostock, including a litany
for the offering of gifts by various representatives within the congregation;
- arrangements for circulation of copies of the highly commended and 'very readable'
“Share the Feast” books on Holy Communion;
- continuation of “early singing” at 10.45 am on the first Sunday
of each month: the Group would like to see expansion of the pool of “leaders” &
also invites suggestions for themes or hymns- please see sheet on Vestibule table;
- an Advent Activity in addition to worship to encourage our thought and sharing about “the
preparation for and the real meaning of Christmas” -
- on each Sunday in Advent (2nd December - 23rd December) a Faith lunch (eg as in 'Growing From
the Inside Out' course) with conversation over shared food;
- orders for Prayer Handbook to be placed on Circuit basis - sign the sheet if you wish a copy;
- Sunday 18th November worship to include focus on Nablus as part of Dundee-wide 'Nablus Day';
- notification of a group meeting last Friday (24th August) to discuss work with children and
young people;
- possible window display themes;
- next meeting: Tuesday 30th October at 7.30 pm.
“Doors Open” Invitation from Heather
Heather's new house in Freuchie will be open to link with “Doors Open Fife” on
Sunday 9th September. Please 'pop in during the afternoon until 5 pm to see this venture in
“green” construction'. See also leaflet on table. (Heather also advises us that
there will be other opportunities to come and see her new home!)
Meetings this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 29th August, 7.30 pm |
Dundee Methodist Church, “B” |
Pastoral Committee
Thursday 30th August, 7.30 pm |
Dundee Methodist Church, “L” |
Service & Mission Committee
Friday 31st August to Sunday 2nd August |
Country Park |
Dundee Food and Flower Festival. See leaflets on Vestibule table
and www.dundeeflowerandfoodfestival.com
Saturday 1st September, 2.30 pm |
Dunblane Cathedral (map) |
District's Service of Welcome
for the Rev Lily Twist, the new Chair of Scotland District.
>A warm invitation is extended to ALL Methodists &
friends to the Service; after formal worship there will be opportunity to meet
old and new friends over refreshments in the adjacent Cathedral Halls.
As the out-going Chair, Jim Jones, has said, it is the first time the
District has planned a Service in this scale; it is very much hoped
that it will be well supported by the whole District. Guests have been
invited from wider Methodism: the General Secretary, Rev David Deeks,
is to represent the Connexion, others are coming from the North Region
Districts who co-hosted Conference with us, and the Preacher will be the
Rev Jeremy Dare, Chair of the Shetland Synod. Ecumenical and civic guests
have also been invited to share in this important occasion in the life of
Methodism in Scotland. We also understand that a number of Lily and
Colin's friends will be travelling north to share this important day with
The Act of Worship is intended to present an inter-weaving of the
threads of our life together, with representatives of all the 8 Circuits
in the District taking part.
It is hoped that there will be good support from ALL of
the District's churches - decide NOW to come and make a day of it!
David Firth is offering seats in his car - please contact him.
If you can also help / wish with transport, please let Paddy or a
Church Steward know.
For further details about the day, contact Jenny (member
of planning group). The Planning Group would like an idea of numbers -
please tell a Church Steward if you hope to go.
Sunday 2nd September, 7.30 pm |
St Salvador's Church (Carnegie Street, off Alexander Street) |
Cantiones Sacrae in Concert. Tickets £7 (concession £5) at City Box Office or at the door.
See also www.cantiones.net
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in August for work in Malawi and in September for work in Nepal. See library area noticeboard.
Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to:
- ministry of two touring exhibitions in Portugal, new website to raise the profile
of the Society's work there;
- revision of the Italian Common Language Bible, also continuing work on the new literary
translation of the New Testament, with Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox Churches.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Friday 7th September, 6 pm / 8 pm |
Scottish Churches House, Dunblane |
Tom Fleming : Readings from Luke's Gospel in the Lorimer Scots
Translation - Dinner precedes the
Reading. Tickets £25 (£45 for two); £10 for
Reading only. For booking / further details contact Scottish Churches
House, Kirk Street, Dunblane FK15 0AJ; tel : 01786 823588;
reservations@scottishchurcheshouse.org or via website
www.scottishchurcheshouse.org. |
Friday 21st September, 7.30 pm |
Caird Hall (map)
Graham Kendrick Live in Concert in Dundee - DundeeforChrist “very proudly present one of the world's
most prolific Christian singer-songwriters”.
Tickets are available NOW from the
Caird Hall Box Office (01382 434941), price £7 and £10.
See also www.dundeeforchrist.com
or contact Ian Black, The Steeple,
Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4DG; tel (01382) 204700 / 07704773382; email
(Graham Kendrick's new album 'Out of the Ordinary' is available
now - Fierce Distribution -
Prayer Points for this week
- the President and Vice-President of Conference at the Methodist International Centre, Euston, on Saturday;
- the life and work of the Methodist people, especially in Scotland, in the new Connexional Year;
- Sandy Laurie at the Connexional meeting of District Treasurers in London next Saturday;
- follow-up to Alpha Course in Perth Methodist Church;
- projects in the Bolton & Rochdale District, those facing uncertainty after being in hospital (Methodist Homes Prayer Diary);
- The Leprosy Mission's work in Bangladesh;
- Bible Society work in Malawi and in Nepal;
- work of WACC with Christian broadcasters in Lebanon (Feed The Minds);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Crosby Circuit (Liverpool District), and in Stirling (Central Scotland Circuit).