Dundee Methodist Church

15 January 2006

Next Sunday

11 am
Worship led by the Rev Mary Patterson

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Unity Octave : 18th - 25th January

This year's theme, selected by Churches in Ireland, is “Where two or three are gathered in my name” (Matthew 18, 15-22):

“Our Christian sisters and brothers in Ireland wish to share the precious insights which have come from the processes of reconciliation. They stress the importance of forgiveness to maintain or restore trust in the Church and wider community. New relationships between divided communities often begin in small gatherings of two or three. Above all, it is in Christian gatherings that Christ is present to guide the Church.”

Broughty Ferry Churches Group is marking the 2006 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in its customary two ways :

  • Pulpit Exchange today when we welcome to Marketgait the Rev Alberto de Paula, Minister at St James' Parish Church, Broughty Ferry.
  • Jenny Easson will be the preacher in St Mary's Episcopal Church.
  • “Coffee-morning with worship” next Saturday in Broughty Baptist premises in St Vincent Street. Refreshments will be served in the hall from 10 am to 12 noon, with short acts of worship in the Church at 10.30 & 11.30, led by representatives of the BFCG member Churches. All welcome - entry £1 at door, proceeds to Christian Aid.

Ministerial Responsibilities

Please note that Circuit matters should be referred to the Rev Mary Patterson or David Cowling (Senior Circuit Steward) during David Firth's absence.

“Breathing Space”

“Breathing Space” is a free, confidential phone line that anyone in Scotland can call when they are feeling low or depressed and is available to the public every day from 6 pm - 2 am on 0800 83 85 87 (Minicom: 0800 37 71 60).

The Scottish Executive has sent introductory material, including its first Newsletter “Staying Connected”.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 17th January, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Circuit Leadership Team
Thursday 19th January, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church Worship Group - everyone is invited to this open meeting, which will look ahead to worship in Lent.
Thursday 19th January, 7 pm to 10 pm Dundee University Chapel (building 21 on campus map) “Walking the Labyrinth”, a peaceful experience encouraging slow walking and letting go of everyday concerns, has become more popular over recent years. The Labyrinth Tapestry in Dundee University Chapel (a replica of one laid down in Chartres Cathedral c 1194-1220) contains a path upon which opportunity to walk is given once a month. No charge is made but a donation of a perfumed candle will be appreciated since these are placed round the tapestry perimeter. A slow-paced walk usually takes between 40 minutes and an hour. See leaflets on table; contact Nick Halpin 01337 870242, nickhalpin@lineone.net
Saturday 21st January, 10 am to 12 noon Broughty Baptist Church, 86 St Vincent Street (map) “Coffee-morning with worship”. Refreshments will be served in the hall from 10 am to 12 noon, with short acts of worship in the Church at 10.30 & 11.30, led by representatives of the Broughty Ferry Churches Group member Churches. All welcome - entry £1 at door, proceeds to Christian Aid.
Saturday 21st January, 7.30 pm The Steeple Church (map) “Taming the Tiger” : Tony Anthony will tell his life-changing story “Street Fighter to Kung Fu World Champion - VIP Bodyguard to Convicted Criminal”. Tickets £5 from CLC and Wesley Owen bookshops. During his 5-day visit to Dundee he will also be speaking in a number of locations, including schools, prisons and churches - see downstairs noticeboard for details of this and training events.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

  • Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in January for work in India (see library noticeboard).
  • Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
    • celebration of 200 years of service in Ireland where there is closer co-operation between the education committees of Protestant and Catholic churches;
    • visit to China of leaders of major funding Societies;
    • training of translation staff by the World Service Centre;
    • increased donation income, good sales of New Bible Translation, and new Youth Bible in the Netherlands.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 26th January, 11 am to 1 pm Caird Hall (map) “Breathing Space” is a free, confidential phone line that anyone in Scotland can call when they are feeling low or depressed. Free seminar arranged by the Scottish Executive. Please contact Janice Malone to register for this event (tel: 0141 435 3901; mobile 07810 507 266). For more details see posters / newsletter / letter in library area.
Saturday 18th February Dunblane Cathedral Halls - map “Join Up the Dots” - 'A Day to explore Our Place in the World' - organised by the Scotland District of the Methodist Church.
All interested are invited to explore together how the Church can serve the communities of the world more effectively in the future. The programme includes workshops on Trade Justice and HIV/AIDS. The day is open to everyone - free - bring your lunch, refreshments provided.
See green leaflet on noticeboard; booking through form attached thereto or contact Bill Reid, District Office, Scottish Churches House, Dunblane - telephone 01786 820295; closcotland@methodist.plus.com by Friday if possible.
Saturday 25th March Dunblane “Resourcing Day” - 'New Ways of Being Church'
EVERYONE is encouraged to consider, positively, coming to this day of sharing and thinking about our life and work together as the Methodist people in Scotland. Details later - put it in diaries now!

Prayer Points for this week

  • Pray Without Ceasing focus: Isle of Man;
  • President of Conference visiting Cuba and the Caribbean this month; the Vice-President in Gibraltar until tomorrow and South Wales next weekend;
  • Connexional Strategy & Resources Committee meeting, tomorrow;
  • administration of the Relief and Development Fund for Methodism in Scotland;
  • partners and projects in Bolivia (Christian Aid);
  • Theological Education by Extension through Anglican Uganda Christian University (Feed The Minds);
  • The Leprosy Mission's work in Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan;
  • Bible Society work in India;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Burton-on-Trent Circuit (Nottingham & Derby District), and our friends in Montrose (Angus, Dundee & Perthshire Circuit).