26 February 2006
Next Sunday - Lent 1
- 10.45 am
- “Music for Lent”- Handel's 'Messiah' Part II
- 11 am
- Worship led by Mrs Jenni Whittle
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Trade Justice
There will be a display of Trade Justice leaflets, posters, cuttings, etc, in
the church on 12th March. Please bring any items you have on this theme for setting
up the display next Sunday. We are hoping to cover a wide variety of organisations and
countries. After the service on the 12th, you will be encouraged to examine the display,
and send a brief letter (suggestions provided) to the Prime Minister on the issue.
- Dundee City Centre Churches meet Tuesday 7th March at 7.30 pm in Meadowside St Paul's, using “Life Balance” by Robert Warren & Sue Mayfield (Wesley Owen, £3.99).
- n Wednesday 15th March Methodists and St Luke's & Queen Street will lead worship at 7.30 pm
on a theme from “Easter People in a Good Friday World” - Ferry Methodists please contact
Jenny or David to offer help in preparing this with St Luke's.
Children's Group Request
In order to meet child protection regulations, two adults are needed when the Children's Group goes downstairs. Until now, the “second adult”, has been found by personal approaches, week by week, by Lorna and Margaret. Recently, it has sometimes proved more difficult to find someone to accompany the Group; it has therefore been decided to try producing a rota of helpers.
If you would consider joining this rota, please take a sheet from the Vestibule table, complete, and return it to either Lorna or Margaret.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Rotas for Counters, Coffee-makers and Door Stewards
Please collect your rota from the Vestibule table. It is helpful if any “swaps” are marked on the appropriate sheets in the office and library area. The Church Stewards take this opportunity to thank all those who help week by week by welcoming our congregation, providing tea and coffee, and assisting with the collection.
Preaching Plans
Plansfor March - May are now on the Vestibule table.
Meetings this week
Support other Organisations
Fair Trade Fortnight starts this week
See press for details of events
Scottish Bible Society
- Our support for work through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in February for Chile and in March for Cameroon (see library noticeboard).
- Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to
- fund-raising in Guinea towards completion of Bible House at a time of rising prices;
- 40th anniversary celebrations of the Bible Society in Nigeria;
- translation of the Old Testament into Paez, distribution of the Bible in Braille, listening groups using 'Faith Comes by Hearing' in Colombia.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Tuesday 7th March |
Meadowside St Paul’s (map)
Dundee City Centre Churches Lent meeting. Suggested material - “Life Balance” - contact David Firth to order copies.
Thursday 9th March |
Dundee Methodist Church
Circuit Leadership Team
Tuesday 7th March to Saturday 11th March 2006 |
Whitehall Theatre www.whitehalldundee.co.uk
(map) |
Dundee Operatic Society, “Guys and Dolls”. DOS indicate that they have been
fortunate in securing the Performing Rights to this musical which is shortly to be staged
in London and thus permission for amateur performances may be withdrawn. More details re
booking via David Smart, DOS secretary - tel: 01382 477035 or
Saturday 25th March, 10.30 am to 4 pm |
Rosyth Methodist Church, Queensferry Road (map) |
“Resourcing Day” - 'New Ways of Being Church'
ALL INTERESTED - especially Preachers, Stewards, Church Council members, are invited
to an exploration
of the above theme. Among the resource people will be Peter Pillinger and Jonathan Kerry
who will give a wider view from their particular Connexional and ecumenical perspectives.
This is a day in which we are invited to
- gather news
- renew vision
- support growth
- develop experience and resourcing.
All are welcome but it will help arrangements - including provision of lunch - if the
invitation slips (on Vestibule table) are completed and returned to the District Office,
Scottish Churches House, Dunblane FK15 0AJ (tel: 01786 820295) by Monday 6th March.
If you wish or can provide help with transport, please contact a Church Steward.
Prayer Points for this week
- Pray Without Ceasing focus: Liverpool District;
- The President of Conference in London North-East District and the Vice-President of Conference, John Bell, in the Scotland District next weekend;
- nomination of the next Chair of the Synod;
- Arbroath Pastoral Committee meeting on Thursday;
- awareness-raising campaigns focussed on Lent (Christian Aid);
- funding of vernacular-language books for the Anglican Diocese of North East India (Feed The Minds);
- The Leprosy Mission's work in Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia;
- Bible Society work in Chile and in Cameroon;
- we pray with and for the peoples of Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Sweden;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Alfreton Circuit (Nottingham & Derby District), and in Dunbar (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).