Dundee Methodist Church

24 December 2006

Next Sunday: 31st December 2006

11 am
All-age Worship led by Mr Charles Richmond

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Pastoral Charge

During the Rev Mary Patterson's sabbatical (ie to the New Year), please notify the Rev David Firth of any request or need for Ministerial pastoral care. Contact may also be made through the Pastoral Secretary (Jenny Easson), Pastoral Visitors, or the Church Stewards.

Crèche Rota

Louisa is taking over responsibility for coordination of the crèche rota from the New Year. The new rota is now available and she will be pleased to hear from anyone who feels able to join the (small) team of those who look after the “wee ones” downstairs during part of Sunday worship. If you wish to know more, please see her after worship.

Thanks are warmly expressed to Elaine who has resigned as crèche coordinator because of Sunday work commitments and also to Louisa for agreeing to succeed her.

“Exploring Methodism”

This 10-session course is being offered as an opportunity and forum to

  • examine contemporary Methodist theology and practice
  • explore Christian discipleship from a Methodist perspective.

It will be facilitated by David Rogerson (Stirling), with Helen Wareing (District TDO) and Eric Potts (District Tutor). Six of the sessions will be held in Key House, Falkland on three Saturdays (27th January, 17th March, & 19th May) and the others will be arranged through local groups or on a distance-learning basis.

For details see poster on noticeboard; to ask more or book, phone 01324 715589 or email david.rogerson@ovum.com.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 25th December, 11 am Dundee Methodist Church Christmas Worship led by Mrs Heather Dean; offering for NCH

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support through the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in December for work in China. See library area noticeboard.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • resourcing costly productions in Braille and audio format;
  • restrictions on import and printing of Christian Scriptures in Iran;
  • publication of the first Urdu Study Bible in Pakistan;
  • production of Bible comics and the New Testament on CD in mainland China;
  • delays because of heavy duties and extensive paperwork entailed in Scripture shipments.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President & Vice-President 'at home' over Christmas;
  • Christmas celebrations in churches and communities throughout Scotland;
  • the work of NCH and Methodist Homes;
  • Rev Bill Gates with 45 RM Commando (based at Condor, Arbroath) in Afghanistan, all forces chaplains on active duty;
  • the homeless, sick, and pleading throughout the world; defiance of all forms of violence and despair (Christian Aid);
  • The Leprosy Mission's counselling and advocacy work;
  • production of Braille and giant print material by Compass Braille in Tanzania (Feed The Minds);
  • Bible Society work in China;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Brunswick Central Circuit) (Newcastle-upon-Tyne District), and our Circuit colleagues in St John's Arbroath (Angus, Dundee & Perthshire Circuit).