Dundee Methodist Church

27 March 2005

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Ministerial Holidays

If a Minister is needed in the period to April 5th, please contact the Rev Tony Pepper, the Rev Gerald Bostock or the Rev Jean Murrie.

Easter Offering – ‘Creating a Just Community’

Envelopes in support of this annual Appeal were distributed last week and are still available, for return via the offering plate today and in the next few weeks.

The Easter Offering, under the auspices of the Women’s’ Network of the Methodist Church, is a means of enabling the whole Church to give to the work of Partner Churches. This year’s theme invites all Christians to challenge injustice and prejudice by ‘creating a just community’.

Link Club Civic Reception

This year marks the Club’s 20th anniversary and we are delighted to intimate that, to mark this, there will be a Civic Reception in the City Chambers at 10.30 am on Wednesday 4th May.

“Riverside Review”

The February edition of the newsletter of Blairgowrie Methodist Church is on the library noticeboard.

Mr William Beedie

Worship next Sunday will be conducted by Mr William Beedie of Arbroath. Bill, a Lay Reader of the Church of Scotland, has preached for many years in St John’s, Arbroath, and has also led worship in Montrose and Blairgowrie Methodist churches. It is a particular pleasure to Bill’s colleagues in the Circuit Preachers’ Meeting that he has been appointed the next Moderator of Angus Presbytery.


It would help if you could indicate changes to the rota on the sheet provided – in the upstairs office for Church Stewards and in the library area for door stewards and coffee organisers.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday, 27th March, 6.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church Dundee City Centre Churches Easter Sunday “Songs of Praise”
Sunday, 27th March, 7.30 pm St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church, Queen Street Broughty Ferry (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group Praise Celebration, with participation by member congregations.
Sunday, 27th March, 6 pm Caird Hall (map) “Resurrection Day” – Dundee’s Easter Celebration, admission free; details on www.dundeeforchrist.com
Tuesday, 29th March, 12.15 pm - 3 pm Marketgait Link Club - Easter Service
Tuesday, 29th March, 2 pm to 3 pm Homestart, Bellfield Road (map) “West End Early Years and Childcare Network” - an invitation has been sent to us to attend this meeting. If anyone wishes to attend on our behalf, please let a Church Steward know and contact the Parent Services Development Worker, Dawn Banks, on 433686 or email DawnBanks@dundeecity.gov.uk
Wednesday 30th March, 7.30 pm Trinity Hall, High School of Dundee (map) Dundee University Orchestra, Choir & Chamber Choir. A wide variety of music: Beethoven’s 1st Symphony; Bach’s Cantata no 50 – ‘Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft’; Karl Jenkins’ Choral Suite from “The Armed Man: a Mass for Peace”; pieces by Wilbye, Rutter, Allegri, and Sullivan.“The Karl Jenkins is a very new piece but quite accessible. The Scottish premier of the full work is in September”. Ticket £7 or £5.
Friday 1st April, 7.30 pm Marketgait The Leprosy Mission. There will be a brief AGM and the Rev John G McConnell will speak on “Molokai and Hawaii – in the steps of Father Damien”.

Support other Organisations

Fair Trade

For some time now, we have had fairly-traded coffee, including decaffeinated, and tea after service. We now also have fairly-traded white and brown sugar. (For coffee organisers - can be found in new containers in the office drawer!)

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 23rd April, 10.30 am to 1 pm Scottish Churches House Dunblane www.scottishchurcheshouse.org “Nurturing House Groups” : an initiative to explore the nurturing of existing Groups and possible creation of new ones is being undertaken by Helen Wareing (District Training & Development Officer) and Jean Murrie. Please contact Jean if you are interested in going.
Friday 29th April to Sunday 1st May Kinnoull, Perth (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Group is organising a weekend retreat to provide time and space to “meet old friends and make new friends” and to “relax away from the pressures of everyday life”. The theme is ‘The salt and light of the world’; if you are interested please see leaflet on the Vestibule table, see Jenny or David or Kate, or contact Anne Anderson (738620). Numbers are limited – prompt response is advised!
Wednesday 4th May Visit of the President and Vice-President of Conference : The Rev Will Morrey and Deacon Myrtle Poxon will be in Scotland and Shetland in late April / early May. The Circuit Meeting agreed to extend an invitation to visit this Circuit as part of their District visit. Planning for this is at an initial stage, but please note the date now.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President and Vice-President of Conference at Easter People, next weekend;
  • the work of the District Evangelism Co-ordinator, Grahame Lockhart;
  • planning for the visit of the President and Vice-President to Scotland in May;
  • outcomes of the Commission for Africa report (Christian Aid);
  • literacy programmes of the Reformed Church of Mozambique in 20 centres, (Feed The Minds);
  • The Leprosy Mission’s promotional work in Nigeria, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, Aotearoa-New Zealand, and India;
  • Bible Society work in the West Indies;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Sudan and Uganda;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Kingsbridge & Salcombe Circuit (Plymouth & Exeter District) and in Abbeyhill, Edinburgh (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).