27 February 2005
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Preparing to worship
To help produce a suitably calm & reflective atmosphere before the beginning of formal
Sunday worship, it is suggested that the organ cease playing when the Steward enters with the
Bible. It is hoped that this will be a signal for a time of general quiet before and as the
choir, Steward and Preacher enter.
Pastoral Committee
Members are asked to collect papers from Jenny today, please.
World Day of Prayer
On Friday, Christian women of Poland invite men, women and children around the world to share
in this year’s service on the chosen theme: “Let our Light Shine”, challenging
each individual to shine like lights for Christ in a dark world.
“The Christian women of Poland have an important message for all of us. Life in that
country has been far from easy. The collapse of the former oppressive socialist government has
meant a difficult time of transition to a market economy. The people of Poland seek the light
of God’s wisdom to find social structures so that all can lead a decent life.”
WDP, on the first Friday in March, gives people from communities in over 180 countries the
opportunity to worship and pray on a common theme. Make a date to pray with them, and especially
with and for the people of Poland, in services on Friday - see local press & posters for
(Scottish WDP Committee has had close personal ties with the Polish Committee since the
European Conference in Edinburgh in 1980 – ask Jenny about “the Polish
Preaching Plans
Plans for March – May are now available from the Vestibule table: please uplift and distribute. After requests for a clearer format, some changes have been made: “feedback” to David Firth, Mary Patterson or Jenny please. More copies can be produced – ask Jenny or David.
Meetings this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 2nd March, 7.30 pm |
Dundee Methodist Church, “L” |
Pastoral Committee |
Wednesday 2nd March, 7.30 pm |
St Aidan's Church,
Brook Street.
Broughty Ferry (east end)
(map) |
Broughty Ferry Churches
Group act of worship, based on “Voices from the South”, jointly led with St Stephen’s & West, on the theme
“Health”. All welcome. |
Thursday, 3rd March, 7.15 pm |
Meadowside St Paul’s (map)
Dundee City Centre Churches study group, using ACTS
material “Voices from the South” (available from Wesley Owen).
Thursday, 3rd March, 7 pm to 9 pm (doors open 6 pm) |
McEwan Hall, University of Edinburgh, Teviot Place (map)
2nd Edinburgh International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace.
Festival Lecture ‘Spiritual approaches
to Middle East Peace’ by Abuna Elias Chacour, a member of a Palestinian Christian family, is a three-times Nobel
Peace Prize Nominee and the winner of numerous international awards. Chaired by Rev Prof Frank Whaling
(“a weel kent Methodist”!). Tickets £8 / £5 - contact TicketsScotland
Ltd; tel: 0131 220 3234.
Friday 4th
March, 3 pm |
St Paul's Cathedral,
1 High Street,
Dundee map
World Day of Prayer Service
Friday 4th
March, 7.30 pm |
St Aidan’s Church, Brook Street.
Broughty Ferry (map)
World Day of Prayer Service
Saturday 5th
March, 10.30 am - 3.30 pm |
Dunblane |
District Policy Committee
Saturday 5th
March, 11 am - 2.30 pm or at close of conference session |
Dundee Methodist Church, upstairs |
‘Urgent Action for Africa’ Labour
Conference fringe meeting organised by SCIAF (the international relief and development agency of
the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland).
The speaker, Fr Peter Henriot, SJ, Director of the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
in Lusaka, Zambia, will give a firsthand account of the impact of debt repayments on poor
countries. Paul Chitnis, Chief Executive of SCIAF, recently returned from a visit to
Ethiopia with Cardinal O’Brien, will also comment on progress towards meeting
Millennium Development Goals, aiming to halve global poverty by 2015.
This meeting is seen as part of the MPH campaign: “we hope you will join us
at this meeting and strengthen our message to UK politicians about the need to Make
Poverty History”. (see flyers on Vestibule table,
letter on noticeboard; www.sciaf.org.uk).
Sunday 6th
March (Mothering Sunday), from 2.30 pm
to 4 pm (tea at 3.15 pm) |
St Aidan’s Church Halls, Brook Street.
Broughty Ferry (map)
“A Big Sing” under the auspices of The Iona Community in Dundee & Angus,
in aid of Growing Hope Appeal - with members of the Wild Goose Worship Group. The Growing
Hope Appeal is to develop Camas Youth Centre and improve visitor facilities
on Iona. See posters
on noticeboard.
Prayer Points for this week
- The President of Conference at the Cytun Council, Thursday;
- preparations for and observance of World Day of Prayer, Friday;
- members and work of the District Policy Committee;
- Montrose Pastoral Committee, tomorrow;
- projects and partners in El Salvador (Christian Aid);
- commitment of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kiboga in Uganda to work against female illiteracy (Feed The Minds);
- The Leprosy Mission’s work in South East India – Andhra Pradesh;
- Bible Society work in Cambodia and in the West Indies;
- we pray with and for all the peoples of the United Kingdom and of the Republic of Ireland;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Tiverton Circuit (Plymouth & Exeter District) and fellow Methodists in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).