Ôªø Dundee Methodist Church | NEWS SHEET | 28 August 2005

Dundee Methodist Church

28 August 2005

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

“Safeguarding”: Important Notice!

In order to comply with Safeguarding procedures and to support Ian as our Church Safeguarding Officer, there will be a “mass signing” of forms by as many as possible of those to whom this applies. This will take place next Sunday at the close of worship ie whilst coffee is being served. If you are an office- / key-holder, please note that this is likely to apply to you and, if possible, make appropriate arrangements to stay and sign the relevant form(s). It is essential that these measures are in place as quickly and effectively as possible so that we are complying with statutory and Methodist requirements.

Service & Mission Points

Among items discussed at the recent meeting, please note:

  • a planned trip to BibleWorld in Edinburgh in October by the older children - donations for “Coffee after Worship” on 4th & 11th September will go to support this
  • United Services in autumn at 6.30 pm
    • 25th September in Methodist Church
    • 23rd October in Congregational Church
    • 20th November in Meadowside St Paul's
    • December or January (date tbc) in URC
  • Rev David Firth will attend the Installation of the Bishop of Brechin, on 8th October
  • “Fair Play Event” in November - being arranged
  • JMA presentations during worship on 18th September
  • UNICEF Jars of Grace distribution during worship on 23rd October, return on Sunday 6th November
  • Next meeting - 11th January 2006


Rotas for September 05 - February 06 are available today - please collect from the table.

Please also note that there is a vacancy on the crèche rota - if you can help to fill this, please contact Elaine.

Preaching Plans

Plans for September - November are now available on the Vestibule table. If more are needed please let Jenny know.

A Possible Church Social Outing?

Paddy will be looking into group booking for the Dundee Operatic Society performance of “Guys and Dolls” on 7th - 11th March next year. Please sign the form on the Vestibule table or contact Paddy direct as soon as possible. See recent news-sheets for more detail.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday 28th August, 6.30 pm Central Baptist Church www.cbcdundee.org.uk (map) “Songs of Praise”, part of programme of visit of “Amazon Hope 2” to Dundee.
Friday to Wednesday, August 26th to 31st Victoria Dock, Dundee (map) Amazon Hope 2 is a “small but significant boat”. With her sister ship 'Amazon Hope', she “will provide healthcare for up to 100,00 people in remote communities in Peruvian Amazon” as an initiative of the Vine Trust, a grassroots charity based in Scotland. A programme of events has been planned for her stay in Dundee - see letter on the downstairs noticeboard. Vine Trust website: www.vinetrust.org.uk; tel: (01382) 660686; email: amazonhope2@hotmail.co.uk.
Thursday, August 31st, 7 pm Choir Room of St Luke's & Queen Street Church Hall, Broughty Ferry (map) Broughty Ferry Churches Prayer Group. Meetings to be on the first Thursday of each month. A warm welcome is given to anyone wishing to join this ecumenical gathering.
Thursday, August 31st, 7.30 pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Circuit Invitation Committee
Friday to Sunday 2nd - 4th September Camperdown Park (map) Dundee Flower and Food Festival- supply of leaflets on Vestibule table.

Support other Organisations

The Leprosy Mission

Thanks for the use of our premises, and to Norah for her help in particular, have been expressed by The Leprosy Mission who are now to meet in Hillbank Evangelical Church. (map). A copy of the Syllabus is on the downstairs noticeboard.

Scottish Bible Society

The Bible-a-Month Club invites our support in September for work in Egypt where temporary outlets in shopping malls, billboards, press and TV ads are used as enterprising methods of publicity & contact. See library noticeboard

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 13th to Saturday 15th October Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh (map) Christian Resources Exhibition - entrance, including all the seminars, is free. This is the first time for 3 years that CRE has been held in Scotland and Methodist support is being encouraged - please note the dates in diaries / planners. www.creonline.co.uk
Saturday 22nd October Dunblane “Resourcing Mission” Everyone responsible for matters of property, finance, and grant applications is invited to an open District Day with Alan Pimlott (of Connexional Office in Manchester). Further details will follow, but please note this NOW if you have not already done so.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference at Welcome Services during the week, with the Vice-President at Wesley's Chapel next Sunday;
  • Chairs of the Scotland and Shetland Synods;
  • the work of Methodist Homes at Gowan Park, Arbroath;
  • partners and projects in Ecuador and Brazil (Christian Aid);
  • The Leprosy Mission's regional field offices in South East Asia, South Asia, India, and Africa;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of The Caribbean Islands, French Guyana, Guyana, and Suriname;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Leicester (West) Circuit (Oxford & Leicester District), and in New Stevenson (Lanarkshire Circuit)