Ôªø Dundee Methodist Church | NEWS SHEET | 14 August 2005

Dundee Methodist Church

14 August 2005

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.


Usual vehicular access to our premises is being disrupted by work which was scheduled to be completed within 13 weeks of 18th July. The effect of this on traffic is

  • closure of Nethergate between South Tay Street & West Marketgait
  • closure of northbound lanes in West Marketgait (ie those nearest our premises) from Nethergate to Westport Roundabout, with a contraflow on southbound lane.

Other works may also be scheduled to take place!!

See letter & map on the downstairs noticeboard.


It is time to make up the rotas for the next 6 months. Letters are available on the Vestibule table for all those who help in this valuable way. Please take and reply as promptly as possible.

Thanks are expressed to Arthur and Brenda who are retiring as Door Stewards. If YOU would like to contribute to Sunday Worship by joining the Door Stewards or Coffee Rotas, please let Paddy know as soon as possible.

A Possible Church Social Outing?

Information comes to us, from time to time, of shows in Dundee for which advance group booking is possible, with reduced prices.

  • Dundee Operatic Society wrote some time ago with a “Special Offer to Church Groups and other local Clubs and Societies” anent their production of “Guys and Dolls” in the Whitehall Theatre from Tuesday 7th - Saturday 11th March 2006. The offer was for a block booking at 2005 prices if made by 30th September 2005. Paddy has offered to look into bookings if there is sufficient interest - please indicate this by signing the form on the Vestibule table or contacting Paddy direct as soon as possible.
  • We have also heard from Downfield Musical Society of possible reduction for block booking (20+) at “Summer Holiday” in the Whitehall Theatre on Tuesday 20th September. Tickets are now also available for their pantomime “Cinderella” in the Whitehall Theatre from Tuesday 13th - Friday 23rd December (no show Monday 19th). Paddy also has the letter about this - or see copy on library noticeboard.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday, August 16th, 7.30 pm Meadowside St Paul’s (map) www.mspdundee.com Dundee Nablus Twinning - Visit of Nablus Dance and Drama Troupe: Yafa Cultural Center and Balatacamp.net present “A'edoon” (“We Will Return”) in Meadowside St Paul's Church Hall - tickets £6 and £3. They may also be seen giving “tasters” in City Square around 1.15 pm and the Wellgate Centre c 2.15 pm. Our support is warmly invited for their performance. See posters on noticeboard / in window or contact julia.droeber@gmail.com tel : 01382 908070, mobile : 07913 800812.
Thursday 18th August to Saturday 27th August Byre Theatre, St Andrews www.byretheatre.com A new play “Three Thousand Troubled Threads” which examines issues of cultural identity, written by a young playwright, Chiew Siah Tei, and incorporating use of different languages and extensive film sequences. This is the first-ever production of a play by a Chinese writer living in Scotland. See poster on the noticeboard or contact Debbie Butler on 01334 468726 or email Debbie.butler@byretheatre.com

Support other Organisations

Christian Aid Appeals

For details of the critical and worsening situation in Zimbabwe and of the Churches' response through Christian Aid and its partners, see letter on noticeboard - donations will be welcome.
Niger and West Africa Crisis
Christian Aid, as a member of the Disasters Emergency Committee, is appealing for support “to meet people's immediate need for food and help stave off widespread famine in West Africa”.
  • In Niger, Christian Aid is working with international partner Action by Churches Together to reach 50,000 people in the Tahoua and Madai provinces.
  • In Burkina Faso, drought and locust plagues slashed the harvest in areas by up to 90% - 450 tonnes of food have been provided, but more is needed.
  • In Mali, prices are soaring so that more than 1 million people need aid. Work includes distribution of food and seeds, as well as forming task forces to prevent future outbreaks of locust plague.
See letter on noticeboard, website www.christianaid.org.uk, or Margaret for donation envelopes.

Scottish Bible Society

Our prayerful attention is drawn in particular this week to

  • translation and publication of material for indigenous Australians
  • the newly-appointed General Secretary of the Bible Society in Papua New Guinea
  • final stages of production of the 'Simple Nepali Holy Bible'
  • permission for local printing of the Bible in Myanmar.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Friday to Sunday 2nd - 4th September Camperdown Park (map) Dundee Flower Food Festival- supply of leaflets on Vestibule table.

Prayer Points for this week

  • ACTS Forum meeting in Dunblane on Wednesday;
  • planning for Scotland District Synod in September in Lanarkshire;
  • Team Ministry in our Circuit;
  • people and places still recovering from the Indian Ocean tsunami, specially in Sri Lanka (Christian Aid);
  • The Leprosy Mission's promotional work in the British Isles, Southern Africa, and Canada;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of The Pacific Islands - especially the Beikolo family in the Solomon Islands;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Hinckley Circuit (Oxford & Leicester District), and in Greenock (Ayrshire & Renfrewshire Circuit).