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26 October 2003We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones. Ecumenical WorshipThe next monthly United Evening Service will be this evening at 6.30 pm in Marketgait, followed by “a cup of tea”. Our support is warmly invited. UNICEF – Jars of Grace“We are more than 7,000 people working in158 countries around the world. We are UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.” As in previous years, we are again inviting support for the ‘Jars of Grace’ Appeal in aid of the work of UNICEF. Jars will be given out during worship today, for return on or after Sunday 9th November. The suggestion is that contributions are placed in the jar on a regular basis – e.g. at mealtimes. This year’s Appeal is in support of the provision of health-giving water supplies (see leaflets in jars). TraidcraftThere will be a stall today after worship for purchase of Fairly-traded goods and Christmas cards. Items previously ordered have now arrived – please see Margaret to collect these and place future requests. Local Peacher TrainingNext Sunday we welcome Julya Walsh who will join David Cowling in leading our worship. Julya, who is a member at Blairgowrie & a Circuit Steward, is currently “On Note”, the first stage in training. This involves preparing and leading worship with her appointed “mentor” and commencing the ‘Faith & Worship’ Study course. We assure Julya of our on-going prayerful support. FlowersElaine has taken on to be the coordinator for the flower rota. Draft copies will be available from mid-November from the glass-top table at the top of the stairs. In case of difficulties concerning ‘the flowers’ please also contact Elaine in the first instance. “His Presence Makes the Feast” - Holy CommunionThis week’s Study Group meeting will be on Tuesday in Marketgait from 7.30 pm to 9 pm - a “cuppa” will be provided at the end. If you wish transport, please consult David Firth. Everyone is warmly invited to come and share their reflections, experience and understanding, even if you cannot manage to be at the whole series. Future meetings have been arranged for Wednesday 5th November, Thursday 13th November and Friday 21st November. Copies of the material have now arrived; please see Jenny if you wish a Report. Network News ScotlandIssue No 2 for 2003 is available from the Vestibule table - free - please take; read; distribute. Meetings for the next 2 weeks
Support other OrganisationsNCHOctober is designated as “crockery” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details. Scottish Bible SocietyOur prayerful attention is drawn to the following this week:
Forthcoming events
Prayer Points for this week
In this News SheetNext Sunday: 2nd November 2003
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