12 October 2003
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Ecumenical Worship
- Denise & Andy will be joining our friends at the Salvation Army for worship today at 10.45 am, meeting in our porch at 10.30 am.
- The next monthly United Evening Service will be on Sunday 26th October at 6.30 pm in Marketgait. Our support is warmly invited.
Mary Slessor Foundation
On Sunday 19th October, Alistair Chisholm will share in our worship and
give a presentation on the work of the Foundation and its local Appeal.
The timings for this will be
- 10 am – 10.30 am coffee
- 10.30 am – 10.45 am opening worship
- 10.45 am – 11.45 am Presentation
- 11.45 am – 12 noon closing worship
There will be activities for the Children’s Group during the latter part
(c 30 mins) of the Presentation.
It is suggested that any ‘follow-up’ to the presentation be the subject
of a discussion before worship on a Sunday soon after.
Circuit News
Everyone is asked to read the leaflet (available on the Vestibule table) giving details of last week’s Circuit Meeting decisions about the stationing of Ministers in the Circuit from September 2004. The Meeting wished the consultation process to be as inclusive as possible and the Circuit Leadership Team will meet on Thursday 23rd October to take this process forward promptly. If you cannot attend any meetings arranged as a result, any comments or suggestions may be passed on via Keith (Church Steward), Clare & ’tricia (Church representatives) or other Dundee members of the Circuit Meeting.
October Census
Last week saw the start of the annual “monthly count” of attenders at worship – the figures in the given categories were 0-13 : 5; 13-19 : 2; over 19 : 42; we also add 1 guide dog.
The Minister or Church Stewards would like to hear, as soon as possible, from anyone willing to coordinate and / or be part of a team responsible for arranging the flowers in our premises. If, in the meantime, you are due to provide flowers and are uncertain as how to proceed, please contact David Firth.
Meetings for the next 2 weeks
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Monday 20th
October, Tuesday 28th October, Wednesday 5th November, Thursday 13th November, Friday 21st
November all at 7.30 pm to around 9 pm – a “cuppa”
will be provided at the end. |
Marketgait, “B” |
An autumn series of Study Groups on “His Presence Makes the Feast”, the Report on
Methodist understanding and practice of Holy Communion, received by Conference this year
and commended to us all for study and comment.
Everyone is warmly invited to come and share their reflections,
experience and understanding. If you wish transport, please consult David Firth.
Copies of the Report and Study material have been ordered. Anyone wishing a copy
of the Report or interested in leading a session is asked to contact David Firth (soon!),
please. |
Wednesday 22nd October – 2 pm to 9 pm |
Dundee University Chaplaincy Centre |
“Offering hope to the World”
‘Hope from Judaism, Christianity, Islam’ – Day Conference –
booking fee £2 (evening meal at 5.30 pm in Tower pre-booked for £10).
Details / booking form on noticeboard – or contact Ashley Cummins (Anglican Chaplain)
at the Chaplaincy Centre - tel: 344158.
Thursday 23rd
October, 7.30 pm |
Marketgait, “L” |
Circuit Leadership Team |
Saturday 25th
October, 7 pm |
Dundee Congregational Church |
African Children’s Choir Concert –see letter on table & poster. |
Support other Organisations
October is designated as “crockery” month in our request for surplus
items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Saturday 1st November |
Gardyne Theatre |
Age Concern : Act IV, the “charity farce drama group”, are donating the proceeds
of their performance to Age Concern.
Tickets (£8) are available from Age Concern Clubs at Five Ways, Dundee, & Brook
Street, Broughty Ferry, or from Shirley Manknell (Arbroath Methodist Church). Our support
is warmly invited.
Prayer Points for this week
- the President and Vice-President of Conference in the Nottingham and Derby District this weekend;
- Methodist Council, London Colney, Friday 17th – Saturday 18th;
- NCH Council meeting, Wednesday 22nd October;
- members of the Circuit Leadership Team; Church Stewards in our Circuit congregations;
- International Department conference (Wednesday 15th), One World Week, United Nations Day - October 24th (Christian Aid);
- Sudan Evangelical Mission’s Mundri County resource centre (FTM Grant List);
- Bible Society work in Haiti;
- The Leprosy Mission’s work in India – Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh; the TLM international directorate;
- we pray with and for the peoples of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Sao Tome & Principe; Burundi, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Bradford (West) Circuit (West Yorkshire District), and in Castlehill (Lanarkshire Circuit).