Dundee Methodist Church

23 November 2003

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Ministerial pastoral cover

This week cover will be provided by the Rev Jean Murrie (01738 624007) or the Rev Mary Patterson (01674 672373).


Stall today for purchase of food, cards and wrapping paper. Details of “stock held” may also be seen on the Church Website (details on news-sheet front cover).

Property points

  • It is hoped that the new stairchair will be installed tomorrow (Monday) – contact Norah for progress report / advice.
  • The new overhead Vestibule heater is now operational.

Church Flowers

Draft Copies of the Flower Rota are available from Sunday from Elaine and then available from glass-top table at top of stairs.

30th November – the Bacon family (USA) are gifting flowers for Thanksgiving Day.

Advent Worship

will commence next Sunday, during which the Children’s Group will ‘go out and come back’, except on Sunday 21st December & Christmas Day. It is planned that there will be several ‘linking features’ in the worship to provide for continuity during this season of the Church year. It is also hoped that worship for Advent / Christmas will more obviously involve members of the congregation – ’tricia is coordinating this.

Plans for the new Quarter (December 03 – February 04)

These are now available from the Vestibule table - free - uplift - distribute.

Methodist Recorder

Copies including the ‘Scotland Supplement’ are still on the Vestibule table - take - read - distribute - give away …

Mary Slessor Biography

The biography of Mary Slessor is now on the Vestibule table to be borrowed, read & returned.

Pastoral Committee

At the meeting last Tuesday, we undertook the Annual Reading of the Lists and confirmed numbers for return on the Annual Schedule - the agreed total of Members as at 1.11.2003 is 87.

We also considered and noted the various ‘informal contact points’ which bring (most of) us together. These ‘points’ include family, long-term friendship & other relationships (eg continuing links of former Sisterhood / Midweek Fellowship), official meetings, other ‘teams’ (the various ‘Stewards’, Link Helpers, etc), ‘ministry of flowers’.

Following the Circuit ‘Pastoral Day’ & in light of future Circuit staffing, we agreed there would be further work on drawing up a ‘Visiting Policy’.

The next (February) Church Council will receive an updated ‘Membership Policy’ and a Paper on Safeguarding, for consideration / action. A suggestion was made that a future series of “Study Groups” might undertake ‘Exploring Membership’.

The Minister, as University Chaplain, reported on hospitality given to and links made with students in St Andrews, Dundee & Abertay Universities.

The next Committee Meeting will be on Monday 2nd February at 7.30 pm, agenda to include ‘Visiting Policy’ & Safeguarding.

Blue Plaque for Lord Soper

Copies of the Methodist Recorder petition form, with an explanatory note, are on the Vestibule table for those who wish to sign and indicate their support.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
November 28th – 30th Bonar Hall and the Dundee University Tower Lecture Theatre Dundee Mountain Film Festival, including films on a wide variety of activities, ‘in person’ presentations by leading mountaineers and film-makers, exhibitions, book-signings, and opportunities to meet presenters. See leaflets on Vestibule table for details & ticket applications. www.dundeemountainfilm.org.uk, email@dundeemountainfilm.org.uk
Sunday, November 30th, 6.30 pm Dundee Congregational Church, Constitution Rd City Centre Churches Ecumenical Advent Worship – speaker from the Gideons
Sunday, November 30th, 6.30 pm St Mary’s Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Ecumenical Advent Worship, Broughty Ferry Churches Group

Support other Organisations


November is designated as “cutlery” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details.

Link Club News

“A Link Club member, has knitted an outfit for Sarah, the doll which is on the table in the Vestibule. (Thanks to Paddy for helping Angela.) The Club is hoping to raise some money for Club funds by asking people to guess Sarah’s birthday. Each guess costs 20p and can be written in the diary beside the doll. Whoever guesses correctly will win Sarah. The Link Club would be grateful for your support – there is a box on the table for contributions.”

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 6th December, 2.30 pm Dundee Rep Theatre “Peter Pan”
  • Two tickets still available
  • Tea to be served in church at c 5.15 pm
  • Anyone not able to go to the Rep but wishing to join us for Tea will be welcome
  • Help with catering would also be great!
Please contact Elizabeth R about any of the above.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President & Vice–President of Conference at NCH Thanksgiving Service in Wolverhampton on Thursday;
  • MAYC, Student Link & all youth work;
  • the work and witness of Scottish Churches House, Dunblane;
  • the worship life of our Circuit;
  • the work of Sierra Leone Theological Hall, Freetown (Feed The Minds Grants List);
  • partners and projects in Peru (Christian Aid);
  • The Leprosy Mission’s work in Chad, Guinea and Niger;
  • Bible Society work in Thailand;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Afghanistan and Pakistan;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Elland and Ryburn (West Yorkshire District), and in Armadale (Central Scotland Circuit).