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9 November 2003We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones. UNICEF - Jars of GraceJars are to be returned today during worship or in the next few weeks to Mary. Methodist HomesEnvelopes are still available today from the Vestibule table for return via the offertory plate in the next few weeks. Pastoral CommitteeThe next meeting will be on Tuesday 17th November at 7.30 pm at which the Annual Reading of the Lists will take place. Following the previous Committee meeting and the Circuit ‘Pastoral Day’, there will also be thinking about ensuring effective arrangements for the future pattern of our local pastoral care, including a ‘Visiting Policy’. The implications of the Circuit’s decision on staffing from September 2004 will also need to be considered. IBRAJean will take orders for Daily Bible Reading Notes or other IBRA publications. Please see noticeboard and contact Jean. Worship Group ReportThose meeting last Tuesday agreed : 1) general outlines for our worship during Advent / Christmas (30th November - 28th December):
2) “Early Singing / Music” will continue in December, January & February. 3) The Group issues a general invitation to consider future ways of celebrating Holy Communion – a gathering at 7.30 pm in Marketgait on Tuesday 27th January – ALL welcome! 4) A meeting to consider future worship patterns, including during Lent, will be at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 10th February. Access upstairsThe stair-chair, which has served us for many years, has now been removed as it has been not possible to repair it. Moves to replace it as soon as possible are already in hand, but the supplier is currently unable to give us a firm date for installation. Meetings this week
Support other OrganisationsTraidcraftThe next stall will be on Sunday 23rd November, for purchase of food, cards and wrapping paper. Catalogues & official order forms may be taken from the Vestibule table – please return orders forms to Margaret. See Traidcraft for details of “stock held”. NCHNovember is designated as “cutlery” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details. Scottish Bible SocietyIn November our support is requested for Work in Thailand, where the northern highlands are home to many different tribal groups, quite distinct from the Thai majority, for whom provision of Scriptures in their mother-tongue is needed. Bibles have recently been published in the Akha & Lawa languages, and translation is proceeding in Hmong, Khmer, Lahu, Mien and Shan. (See library area noticeboard) Link Club News“A Link Club member, has knitted an outfit for Sarah, the doll which is on the table in the Vestibule. (Thanks to Paddy for helping Angela.) The Club is hoping to raise some money for Club funds by asking people to guess Sarah’s birthday. Each guess costs 20p and can be written in the diary beside the doll. Whoever guesses correctly will win Sarah. The Link Club would be grateful for your support – there is a box on the table for contributions.” A reading suggestionNancy E has been asked to bring to the attention of our Church members, a book, “Stepping Out with God”, written by Gwen Macdougall, priced £2.50. Proceeds to Douglas House, Children’s Hospice, Oxford. Nancy can obtain and pass on books if required. Forthcoming events
Prayer Points for this week
In this News SheetNext Sunday: 16 November 2003
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