02 November 2003
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Local Peacher Training
Today we welcome Julya Walsh who will join David Cowling in leading our worship.
We assure Julya of our on-going prayerful support.
Access upstairs
The stair-chair, which has served us for many years, has now been removed as it has been not possible to repair it. Moves to replace it as soon as possible are already in hand, but the supplier is currently unable to give us a firm date for installation.
Elaine has taken on to be the coordinator for the flower rota. Draft copies will be available from mid-November from the glass-top table at the top of the stairs. In case of difficulties concerning ‘the flowers’ please also contact Elaine in the first instance.
Jean will take orders for Daily Bible Reading Notes or other IBRA publications.
Please see noticeboard and contact Jean.
Meetings this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Tuesday, 4th November, 7.30 pm |
Marketgait, “L” |
Worship Group. Everyone interested is invited.
Among items discussed will be our worship during Advent and Christmas. Any suggestions
for or comments on worship in Marketgait can be made at any time to ’tricia,
the Minister, any Preacher or Steward. Jenny E will also be pleased to hear of / from
anyone willing to “do Readings”. |
Wednesday 5th November, Thursday 13th November, Friday 21st
November all at 7.30 pm to around 9 pm – a “cuppa”
will be provided at the end. |
Marketgait, “B” |
An autumn series of Study Groups on “His Presence Makes the Feast”, the Report on
Methodist understanding and practice of Holy Communion, received by Conference this year
and commended to us all for study and comment.
This week we will be looking at “Communion Hymns”.
Everyone is warmly invited to come and share their reflections,
experience and understanding. If you wish transport, please consult David Firth.
Saturday, 8th November |
Dunblane |
District Policy Committee |
Saturday, 8th November, 4 pm - 6 pm |
Central Mosque, 5 Miln Street, Dundee (opposite Tay Mills) |
Ramadan Experience.
“The month of Ramadan is a special time for Muslims. For the duration of the
whole month, Muslims abstain from eating and drinking from sun-up to sunset as an act of
obedience to God. Further to this, they feel the hunger of those less fortunate than themselves
and it helps to bring out within them, the spirit of charity. It is also a special time for
family and community because the breaking of the fast is a time when people come
An invitation has been sent to us to share in “Ramadan Experience”.
The programme will comprise Welcome, Breaking of the fast with light refreshments, Presentation,
Light Dinner, & Conclusion. The invitation, from Dr Ali Al-Dabbagh, further
says “Living in a multicultural society, it is vital that we come together and share our
experiences in order to understand one another.”
RSVP please by phone (345133) or email:
cityofdiscovery@yahoo.co.uk (Discover Islam). |
Support other Organisations
UNICEF – Jars of Grace
Jars are available today at the top of the stairs, for return on or after next Sunday. The suggestion is that contributions are placed in the jar on a regular basis – e.g. at mealtimes. This year’s Appeal is in support of the provision of health-giving water supplies.
Methodist Homes
Envelopes are being distributed today for return via the offertory plate in the next
few weeks.
November is designated as “cutlery” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details.
Link Club News
“A Link Club member, has knitted an outfit for Sarah, the doll which is on
the table in the Vestibule. (Thanks to Paddy for helping Angela.) The Club is hoping to
raise some money for Club funds by asking people to guess Sarah’s birthday. Each guess
costs 20p and can be written in the diary beside the doll. Whoever guesses correctly will win
Sarah. The Link Club would be grateful for your support – there is a box on the table for
NB : Helpers’ meeting – Tuesday 11th November – 11 am.
A reading suggestion
Nancy E has been asked to bring to the attention of our Church members,
a book, “Stepping Out with God”, written by Gwen Macdougall, priced £2.50.
Proceeds to Douglas House, Children’s Hospice, Oxford. Nancy can obtain and pass on
books if required.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 5th November |
Blairgowrie |
Our friends at Blairgowrie are to give a performance of ‘Love is Born’
(music written by Grahame Wright) as part of a fund-raising concert on Saturday 13th December. Grahame would be pleased to hear from singers within our Circuit congregations
who would be willing and able to join the choir for this.
There will be a preliminary get-together / first rehearsal on Wednesday 5th November
at the home of Grahame & Margaret in Blairgowrie, with additional
rehearsals thereafter, probably Wednesday nights. Please contact Margaret to let her know if
you will be able to sing on 13th December and to rehearse on 5th November (or to indicate
alternative date).
Friday 14th November, 7.45 pm |
St Luke’s & Queen Street
Church, Broughty Ferry |
Fair City Singers’ Concert
Prayer Points for this week
- The President of Conference in the Lincoln and Grimsby District and the Vice-President at the Connexional Children’s Committee, on Wednesday;
- members of the District Policy Committee;
- the residents, staff and supporters of Gowan Park, Arbroath (MHA);
- translation and publishing programme of the Myanmar Council of Churches (Feed The Minds Grants List);
- partners and projects working in areas of war and violence –especially in northern Uganda and Sudan (Christian Aid);
- Bible Society work in Thailand;
- The Leprosy Mission’s work in West India – Karnataka, Maharashtra;
- we pray with and for the peoples of Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Denby Dale and Clayton West Circuit (West Yorkshire District), and in Stirling (Central Scotland Circuit).