11 MAY 2003
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing
treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
General Church Meeting
The GCM today after worship is the official occasion at which
ALL who belong to Dundee Methodist Church
may share in discussion and decision about our life together — as a congregation,
a community in relationship with others,
and as part of the Angus Dundee & Perthshire Circuit and wider Methodism. It is important
that there is good support.
Please note the following, which will form part of the meeting:
- Election of Church Stewards & representatives
- Finance report & Stewards Report
- Our life together — the small groups process
- Circuit staffing and resourcing — opportunity knocks
Pastoral Committee
Members are asked to meet together immediately after worship today to fix
a date for the postponed meeting and to collect
any necessary papers. (JHE)
Traidcraft Orders
First supply of goods here today - please look on table at back of church
and / or see Margaret.
Meetings this Week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Sunday 11th May, 7pm |
Centre, University of Dundee |
Service (7 pm) and Talk & Discussion (7.30 pm). One of a series entitled Questioning
Faith to
which all are welcome. Refreshments available after - all donations to Christian Aid.
See poster for weekly details. |
Wednesday 14th May, 8 pm - 9.15 pm |
Service & Mission Committee
Saturday 17th May, 10.30 am - 4 pm |
Marketgait |
District Network Day. It would be good to have local Dundee support.
Support other organisations
Christian Aid Week — this week
- If you do not receive an envelope through your local house-to-house collection and wish
to support the work of Christian Aid now, please take an envelope from the Vestibule table
and return it or any Christian Aid envelope to Margaret.
- Christian Aid News - on the table - take, read, campaign,
- See Prayer points in the news-sheet this & every week; a (daily) Prayer Dairy
is published by Christian Aid — see Margaret.
- See Christian Aid website for more details.
Security has improved sufficiently to allow United Nations humanitarian relief staff
to return to Iraq, although the law and order situation is still causing great concern.
Based in Baghdad, Erbil and Basra, the UN has pledged to coordinate emergency relief efforts
and fill gaps in humanitarian assistance, particularly in provision of basic services.
These services suffered because of the extensive damage to infrastructure and the absence of
many public employees who cannot work due to transport problems or because they are not being
Despite some improvements, widespread shortages of drinking water and inadequate sanitation
still threaten health throughout Iraq. Sharp increases in the incidence of viral hepatitis,
diarrhea and respiratory illnesses, as well as some cases of typhoid, have been reported.
Christian Aid has completed an assessment of the situation in Baghdad and the centre
of the country with the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) and the Regional Coordination
Office of Action by Churches. The information gathered will be used to plan the next phase of
Christian Aids work in Iraq.
Extracts from Iraq Emergency Update (7 May)
Particular work funded through other agencies:
- Norwegian Church Aid provision of mobile water treatment unit in area of Um Qasr and Basra;
- Distribution of fuel and medical care to families in rural areas;
- Coordination of water and sanitation provision in Kirkuk area;
- Through Iraqi Refugee Aid Council volunteers - food distribution in Missan Province, medical supplies in Basra;
- Iraqi Kurdistan NGO Network coordinating work in the north;
- Human Rights Development Group village-based courses in human rights protection;
- MECC provision of food & relief supplies to displaced families through 50 centres around urban areas;
- Dan Church Aid teams clearing land mines in southern Iraq.
Scottish Bible Society
The Bible-a-Month Club invites our support in May for Bible Society work
in Mexico, the worlds largest Spanish-speaking nation. Since 300 other languages are
also used with many indigenous groups retaining their own language and culture, Scriptures in
local vernaculars are particularly valuable to enable adequate grasp of meaning. See library
area noticeboard / contact Jean.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Sunday 25th May 3.15pm |
junction of High Street and King Edward Street, Perth |
Wesley Tercentenary Celebrations The Rev John Wesley
(with horse)
will again receive
the Freedom of the City of Perth
first granted to him
by the Burgesses of the
Royal and Ancient Burgh in 1772. There will be a procession thereafter to the
Methodist Church in Scott Street,
to partake of a Celebration and Tea.
To help with arrangements, please sign the paper on the Vestibule table TODAY if
- you hope to be there
- you wish to travel together by coach
- you can bring food for a Faith Tea.
The Angus, Dundee & Perthshire Circuit is joining with the Central Scotland and
Edinburgh & Forth Circuits for this Event.
As part of the contribution by our colleague Circuits (Central Scotland and Edinburgh
& Forth), David Hewitson of Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, expects to have 15 of their
choir to help lead the singing, accompanied by Perth Salvation Army. Anyone wishing to
augment this choir is asked to contact Dave so he can have an idea of overall numbers:
phone 0797 3380383 or email at
Prayer Points for this week
- The President of Conference in the York and Hull District this weekend
- Christian Resources Exhibition, Esher, this week
- The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, next Saturday
- preparations for Wesley Tercentenary celebration, Perth;
- Annual Book sale, Edinburgh, & other events (Christian Aid)
- Adult literacy centres in Hyderabad Diocese Pakistan(FTM Prayer List)
- Bible Society work in Mexico
- The Leprosy Missions promotional work in Scandinavia and Hungary
- we pray with and for the peoples of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Gornal and Sedgley Circuit (Wolverhampton and
Shrewsbury District), and in Kirkcaldy (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit)