Dundee Methodist Church

30 MARCH 2003

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Ecumenical Reflective Act of Worship

This month’s United Service will be in Marketgait at 6.30 pm tonight, with music, readings and prayers chosen for the season of Lent and the current international situation. A cup of tea will be served after. A warm welcome is given to all and particular support from us as “hosts” is requested.

Circuit News

The implications of the agreement to a deficit budget for the year 2003/4 are described in the leaflet distributed recently — more copies on the Vestibule table. Dundee’s reps to the Circuit Meeting are ’tricia and Clare.

Network News Scotland

Issue No 1 of 2003 now available from the Vestibule table.

Meetings this Week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 1st April, 7.30 pm Meadowside St Paul’s City Centre Lent Study Group, using ACTS material, ‘Belonging’.
Tuesday 1st April, 7.30 pm Marketgait Circuit Leadership Team meeting with Jim Jones, Chair of the Synod.
Wednesday 2nd April, 7.30 pm St Mary’s Episcopal Church, Broughty Ferry Broughty Ferry Churches Group worship, including a reflection from the Episcopal tradition.
Thursday 3rd April, 7 pm St Luke’s & Queen Street, Broughty Ferry BFCG Lent Group study group using ACTS material.
Sunday 6th April Marketgait Our World Church Sunday: Miss Jane Petty is a Mission Partner of the United Church of Zambia and of the Church of Scotland & the Methodist Church and works as an agriculturist at Mwandi Mission Hospital. She has accepted our invitation to share some of her experiences of life and work in Zambia during worship and over Lunch (bring food, drinks provided).

Please note that the Children’s Lenten party planned for Saturday 5th April in Meadowside St Paul’s will not now take place.

Support other organisations


March is designated “outdoors” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects.

Fair-trade and us

Are you interested in buying fairly traded items through the church? Responses received so far suggest there is interest in the following:

Kitchen rolls
£1.50 for 2
£1.90 for 500 g
Chocolate bars
£0.35 for 100g
Organic decaffeinated coffee
£3.00 for 100g
£2.05 for 80
£2.00 for 250g
Drinking chocolate
£2.00 for 250g

Please let Margaret know if you are interested in these or other items. Catalogues to take away still available.

Duneaves Residential Home

The ‘Friends of Duneaves’ Group are looking for new members and invite ladies from the Broughty Ferry Churches to join them and share in the social life of the residents in Duneaves. At present the group has representatives from St Stephen’s and West Church, East Church, Barnhill St Margaret’s and St Rule’s Church, Monifieth, but would welcome ladies from all the churches. For information about the Friends Group please contact Beatrice Martin, Convener: tel 730397 or Anne McPhail, tel. 775444.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Monday 7th April, 7.30 pm St Stephen’s & West Church, Westfield Road, Broughty Ferry Concert featuring The New Rodgers Organ. The organist will be Sean Montgomery (of Rodgers Classical Organs) and The Ferryatrics (former members of Broughty Opera) will also perform musical items. Admission £5 in aid of Organ Fund from Mrs E Mussen (779923) or John T Symington (778981). See poster/ leaflets.
Thursday 10th — Saturday 12th April, 10 am to 4 pm St Aidan’s Church Halls, Brook Street, Broughty Ferry 3 Day Thrift Shop; all types of goods available plus tea and coffee. Admisson free — proceeds in aid of church funds.
Tuesday 22nd April —(Saturday 26th April Whitehall Theatre Downfield Musical Society celebrates its 75th anniversary with the production of “Jesus Christ Superstar”. Tickets £10 - Block bookings (£7 tickets) are available for parties of 10 or more - phone 322537 for details or to book.
Sunday, 11th May, after morning worship Dundee Methodist Church General Church Meeting; vacancies for 2 Church Stewards
Saturday, 17th May Dundee Methodist Church District Network Day. It would be good to have local Dundee support!
Sunday, 25th May, 3.30 pm Perth Tercentenary celebrations of the birth of John Wesley; re-enactment of presentation of Freedom of Perth to John Wesley (with horse!) — music —worship — tea (catering help welcome!) — transport provision likely (sharing in bus from Montrose).
10th — 20th December Christmas Pantomime ‘Dick Whittington’. Please let Elizabeth know if you are interested in going to this as part of a Church group.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The Vice-President of Conference on the Isle of Man this weekend and in Newcastle next weekend;
  • the President ‘s visit to the Welsh Assembly on Thursday;
  • preparations for MAYC Northern Lights in Middlesborough next weekend;
  • the Circuit Leadership Team’s meeting with Jim Jones, Tuesday;
  • money-raising ventures and supporters, especially the Donor Recruitment and Development Unit (Christian Aid);
  • replacement of materials, especially Sunday School books, lost in the 7-year civil war in Liberia (FTM Prayer List);
  • Bible Society work in Malawi and in China;
  • The Leprosy Mission’s promotional work in Nigeria, Hong Kong, Australia, Zimbabwe, Singapore, New Zealand and India;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Sudan and Uganda;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Telford (North) Circuit (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District), and in Inverness (Inverness Circuit).