Dundee Methodist Church

2 MARCH 2003

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Circuit Preaching Plans

March — May 2003 are now available from the Vestibule table — free. Please note that on 4th May, Mr Britton Goudie will lead our worship.

Proposed Theatre Trip

Elizabeth reports the outcome of her researches for a trip to Pitlochry: the likely cost, including tickets (£17 each), coach transport and a meal, would come to around £30 per head. If anyone is interested in such an outing, please contact her — alternative ideas also welcome!

Have you got the Bottle? — emergency information scheme

We have a supply of small plastic bottles made available through a 1010 Rotary District Club initiative to provide medical information to emergency services. The scheme is particularly aimed at anyone who feels vulnerable while living at home, but the bottles can be used by anyone who wishes to ensure information can be obtained in case of an accident to themselves at home. See the downstairs noticeboard for further details — some bottles are available from a box in the upstairs office.

Meetings this Week

World Day of Prayer

On Friday 7th March women and men in some 180 countries worldwide will join in acts of worship and prayer, study, and fellowship. This year’s material on the theme “Holy Spirit, Fill Us” has been prepared by Christian women of Lebanon.

The Service for Dundee City Centre Churches will be at 3 pm in St Andrew’s (RC) Cathedral, Nethergate.

The Broughty Ferry Service is to be in Barnhill St Margaret’s Church at 7.30 pm.

A warm invitation is given to ALL to join in a Service on the Day: see Invitations to Worship, posters & local press for details or contact Jean McN.

  • WDP is some 116 years old in world terms; in Scotland we look forward to marking our 75th birthday in 2005 with a nation-wide range of activities and celebrations. Please note this and look out for more news.
  • This summer “the world comes to the British Isles” as the International Committee meets in Swanwick from 27 August to 3 September, with the Women’s World Day of Prayer Committee for England, Wales and Northern Ireland as hosts, and the Scotland and Ireland Committees supporting them. One aspect of the International Committee is a “Home Hospitality Programme” whereby visitors are offered the chance to stay in a home for a few days before or after the Committee proper. If you think you might wish to offer such hospitality - or to find out more - contact Jenny E.

Support other organisations


March is designated “outdoors” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects.


Are you interested in buying Fairly Traded goods from Traidcraft on a regular basis? Would you like to buy them through church, or would you prefer to buy from Oxfam or your local supermarket? If there is sufficient demand, an order may sent from the church. If you are interested, please take a catalogue from the table at the top of the stairs. If you would like to order food, please note that most items are sold in quantities of 6 packs or more. If you do not personally want so many, we would need to determine whether we could expect to sell your surplus before the ‘best before’ date. So at this stage it would be helpful if those with an interest could give an idea of the extent, frequency and nature of their likely regular order.

PS There are also Fair Trade leaflets for you to take away.

Forthcoming events

“PalArt” — a celebration of Palestinian Culture

Under the auspices of ‘Women in Black Dundee’, March 1st — 15th, the programme of events includes films, discussion, exhibitions, food, crafts, and poetry. See leaflets on Vestibule table or contact Andree Ryan (550210) tayportturtle@lycos.com or Fionn Stevenson (552216) fionnstevenson@fsmail.net

Upkeep of our premises

Please note that during the week beginning Monday 10th March there will be re-painting of parts of our premises, plus the replacement of the outside (vestry) window. Sandy is our “Link” with the contractors; Norah has contacted Marketgait Users for that week.

Ecumenical Lent Study & Worship

March 5th — April 13th

Dundee City Centre
Tuesdays (11th March onwards) - study group using ACTS material, ‘Belonging’, at 7.30 pm in Meadowside St Paul’s.
Broughty Ferry
Lenten observance opens with an Ecumenical Service of Ashes on Wednesday 5th March at 7.30 pm in Our Lady of Good Counsel, Westfield Road, Broughty Ferry, to which all are warmly invited.
Wednesdays at 7.30 pm, worship in various venues, exploring the observance of Lent in different traditions.
Thursday evenings (13th March onwards), study group using ACTS material, at 7 pm in St Luke’s & Queen Street.

A warm welcome is given to each and all of the above gatherings.

Open Day

St Mary’s Scottish Episcopal Church, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, is holding a display of its life and work in the community Sunday 9th March from 3 pm. A Praise Service will follow at 6.30 pm. There will be opportunity to see the “restored beauty” of the Church, plus stalls and refreshments in the halls. All welcome.

Fairtrade Fortnight : 3rd — 16th March

‘Taste the World’ - visit of two Ghanaian cocoa farmers to Dundee on Monday March 10th when it is hoped a good number of people will come to the Bonar Hall from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm and meet them and representatives of Day Chocolate Company (short talk at 6 pm). There will also be video presentation, and Fairtrade goods to sample and buy. See poster; further information from tel 344158, a.Cummins@dundee.ac.uk or tel 454603, ann@oneworldcentredundee.org.uk

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President of Conference in Darlington this weekend
  • Scottish World Day of Prayer Committee members
  • members of the Circuit Leadership Team
  • partner workers in Sudan where war conditions have dominated life since independence in 1956 (Christian Aid)
  • Scripture Union training courses in southern Africa for the use and promotion of Sunday School guides (FTM Prayer List)
  • Bible Society work in Malawi
  • The Leprosy Mission’s work in Bangladesh
  • we pray with and for the peoples of the Republic of Ireland and our fellow-citizens in the United Kingdom
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Minsterley Circuit (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District), and our colleagues in Scott Street, Perth (Angus, Dundee & Perthshire Circuit).