Dundee Methodist Church

29 JUNE 2003

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Quiet Space

The back downstairs room will be prepared as a “quiet area” for reflection before Sunday worship from next Sunday for all who wish to use it.


It has been agreed that we proceed with buying new chairs. There is one example here for us to “sample” today: please try it & let Norah know how you find it.

The Children’s Group

As intimated during last Sunday's worship, thanks are expressed to all who prepare and join in the downstairs activities for children on Sunday mornings. This pattern of “going downstairs & coming upstairs” will be continuing today and next Sunday. For Sundays from 13th July to 20th August, preachers have been invited to think of worship suitable for all ages; there are also folders for the children to have whilst sitting with families or friends, as we all remain together upstairs. Downstairs activities will resume on Sunday 24th August. Please contact Margaret or Lorna r to find out more or offer help.

News-sheet News

There will be a “combined” edition of the weekly news-sheet covering Sundays 13th - 27th July; please let the editors have material for these weeks as soon as possible & before Thursday 10th July. Thanks!

Synod asks our help ….

Following the re-patterning of District structures and ways of working, Church Stewards in each congregation in the Scotland District have been asked to distribute a (simple) form to everyone in their local church. This details how the work of the Methodist people in Scotland is now allocated (into 4 networks, each with a coordinator) and it invites response to show our interest in different areas of life and witness in church and society. The replies can indicate

(A) a wish to be involved
(B) knowledge or experience
(C) desire to be kept informed and in touch
Forms (named) are on the table at the back of the worship area – please take yours today, read, complete & return it to David E as soon as possible. Many thanks!

Setting out of chairs

As the NSF is no longer regularly meeting, it is necessary for us to have some regular means of setting out the chairs for Sunday worship. The Church Council agreed that this be by a rota of 5 groups of people (at least 2 individuals in each) willing to do this on a monthly basis.

They would ensure that the chairs were set out by 10 am on a Sunday morning – if there were a difficulty, responsibility would pass to the duty Church Stewards. The setting out of the “quiet space” (see below) would also be included.

Those able to help are asked give their names to the Senior Church Steward (David E) as soon as possible so that a system may be put in place: thanks!

Meetings this Week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday 29th June, 7 pm Broughty Ferry Baptist Church, St Vincent Street “Songs by the Seashore”; Broughty Ferry Churches Group invites everyone join in a time of praise
Wednesday, 2nd July, 7.30 pm - 9 pm (“with a cuppa provided”) Marketgait, “B” Summer Bible Study: ‘The Untouchable Woman’, based on Luke 8, 43 – 48. An open invitation is given to EVERYONE interested to come and share together in a time of “creative insight”.

Support other Organisations

Traidcraft Stall

Sales so far have raised the encouraging sum of £80. Margaret is happy to take orders – next stall most likely on Sunday 27th July.

Scottish Bible Society

In July our support is requested for work in the South Pacific, involving translation into scores of languages, printing of uneconomic small quantities, complex & slow transport by inter-island vessels – not always the paradise imagined from tourist brochures! See library noticeboard for more details.

This week our attention is drawn to

  • The Gambia, now a popular holiday destination, but whose people are very poor: Bible distribution is hindered as folk are unable to buy them;
  • Chad – a north-central African country with a low literacy rate, where people live at subsistence level: audio–tapes of the Ngambai New Testmaent are now available;
  • Cameroon where two new Bibles in the Tupuri and Masana languages have been produced;
  • Outcomes from last week’s meeting of Bible Society leaders in Sweden discussing issues of fund-raising in the current economic climate.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 10th July; Friday 18th July, 7.30 pm — 9 pm Marketgait Bible study
Saturday 27th September, 10 am to 4 pm Marketgait Circuit Pastoral Day ‘Who Cares for Me?“See how these Christians love”. For ALL Class Leaders / Pastoral Visitors, Ministers, Church & Door Stewards, Flower Distributors, folk in caring professions & situations and recipients of care, & those interested ……… in each of our 5 Circuit congregations.
The Planning Group will meet again on Friday 8th August to finalize details but it is envisaged that the day will include
  • exploration of what we understand by ‘pastoral care’
  • how we do (and don’t!) carry it out
  • helpful resources
  • how to support each other
The morning session will be “all-together” and the afternoon in “congregational groups” so there can be thinking about & planning for practical outcomes and “follow-up”.
Planning Group : Helen Wareing (District Training & Development Officer), Jenny Easson (Circuit & Dundee), Janice Swankie & Shirley Manknell (Arbroath), Margaret Wright (Perth), Maureen Moir (Montrose), Perth reps to be appointed. Please let Jenny or David Firth have any comments or suggestions - and note the date!

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President of Conference, the Rev Neil Richardson;
  • the Vice-President of Conference, Mrs Judy Jarvis;
  • Representative Session of Conference in Llandudno this week;
  • those being ordained at Conference today;
  • our Circuit staff and their families;
  • partners and work in northern Ghana (Christian Aid);
  • manuals produced by Serving in Mission (SIM) in Bolivia for teachers and youth workers (FTM Prayer List);
  • Bible Society work in Turkey and in the South Pacific;
  • The Leprosy Mission’s promotional work in Portugal, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, France, Italy & Switzerland;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Nigeria;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Brownhills and Pelsall Circuit (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District), and all in the Mosspark Ecumenical Partnership (Glasgow Circuit).