13 JULY 2003
“Quiet Space”
The back downstairs room will be prepared as a “quiet area” for reflection before Sunday worship
for all who wish to use it.
Children’s Group
This will resume 24th August but during summer there are ‘quiet activity’ folders available
upstairs – ask Stewards.
Chair Rota
David E has so far heard of 5 people offering to set out chairs for Sunday worship. Since one person
is willing to be part of 2 teams, this gives a total of 3 pairings – somewhat short of what is required
for a rota on a monthly (or longer) basis. If you are able to help in this, please contact David today.
District Re-patterning Forms
If you have not collected your named form from the table, please do so. It would be helpful if completed
forms could be returned to David E today please, as the District Unit Coordinators are waiting to undertake
the next stage of this process.
Meetings this Week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Sunday 13th July, 7 pm |
Broughty Ferry Baptist Church, St Vincent Street |
“Songs by the Seashore”; Broughty Ferry Churches Group invites everyone join in a time of
praise |
Friday, 19 July, 7.30 pm - 9 pm (“with a cuppa provided”) |
Marketgait, “B” |
Summer Bible Study: ‘The Bent-over Woman’, based on
Luke 13, 10–17.
An open invitation is given to EVERYONE interested to come and share together in a time
of “creative insight”. |
Support other Organisations
Next stall most likely on Sunday 27th July.
Scottish Bible Society
The Bible-a-month Club invites our support in July for work in the South Pacific, especially for
distribution of Scriptures portions at the South Pacific Games this month.
We are also invited to remember
- continuing fear of SARS virus infection, especially in Hong Kong & the Philippines
- distribution work in Togo (West Africa) & church partnerships in campaigns against the spread of AIDS
- type-setting of a complete Bible in Urdu for publication in Pakistan next year
- outcomes of the recent United Bible Societies’ Translation Consultants’ triennial workshop in Brazil
- meeting of Scripture Union Scotland and Bible Society staff on Wednesday (16th July) to plan future work.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Sunday 20th July, 7 pm |
Broughty Ferry Baptist Church, St Vincent Street |
“Songs by the Seashore”; Broughty Ferry Churches Group invites everyone join in a time of
praise |
Sunday 27th July, 7 pm |
Broughty Ferry Baptist Church, St Vincent Street |
“Songs by the Seashore”; Broughty Ferry Churches Group invites everyone join in a time of
praise |
18th – 23rd August 7.15 pm, with a matinee on Saturday 23rd August at 1 pm |
Charlotte Chapel, West Rose
Street, Edinburgh |
Saltmine Theatre Company, committed to proclaiming the gospel through professional and innovative
theatre”, will be presenting “The Vigil” by Ladislas Fodor during the Edinburgh International
Festival Fringe. Tickets (£7, £5 concessions) will be available from
- the Fringe Box Office (0131 226 0000)
- on-line www.edfringe.com
- venue box office (0131 225 5560).
Further details on leaflets on Vestibule table & letter in library area. |
Saturday 20th September, 9.30 am to 3.30 pm |
Dunblane |
“Safe From Harm” Conference Day. Since this coincides with Synod in Paisley,
the Minister and some others are unable to go, but it would be useful to have representation (cost £5 +
travel, take picnic lunch). The Day is intended to be “a means of supporting and equipping all those
involved in working with
children” and the timetable includes
- An overview of child protection issues - principles of safeguarding & practical measures
- Disclosure procedures – for whom & how, presented by a representative from The Central Registered
Body in Scotland
- Questions & answers – panel of experts.
If you are interested in going, please let the Minister know, since the District Office would like to know of
Methodist Churches represented. An information leaflet & booking form is in the Pastoral Tray in the
Prayer Points for this week
- The President & Vice-President of Conference at the Church of England Synod in York today;
- European Methodist Festival, Potsdam, 30th July – 3rd August;
- the world-wide Anglican Communion; the World Methodist Council; the World Alliance of Reformed Churches;
- Ministers in Other Appointments & their families, in our Circuit;
- partners & projects in Asia – Myanmar (Burma) & Cambodia; crisis relief in southern Africa (Christian Aid);
- Russian Scripture Union publication of material based round Luke’s Gospel for 10-14 years-old children (FTM Grant List);
- Bible Society work in the South Pacific;
- The Leprosy Mission’s work in North-East India – Assam, Bihar, Jharkand, Nagaland, West Bengal; China, Korea & Laos; Ethiopia, Sudan & Uganda;
- we pray with and for the peoples of Myanmar & Thailand; Indonesia; the United States of America;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Walsall; Shrewsbury; Wolverhampton Circuits (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District), and in Anniesland; Woodlands; East Kilbride (Glasgow Circuit).