Dundee Methodist Church

16 FEBRUARY 2003

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Pastoral Committee

On Monday, the Committee welcomed Helen Wareing, District Training and Development Officer. Thinking continued for a ‘Circuit Pastoral Sharing Day’, probably on a Saturday in late October in Dundee. Report will be given to the Circuit Meeting on 12th March - more details later.

Church Council résumé

  1. Action following the “small-groups” process / poster-signing
    • Coffee rota for after & before worship now being coordinated (new volunteers still sought)
    • We are to pursue contacts for “Mary Slessor Appeal” as a Project for us to support & use as focus
    • approach to be made to possible coordinators for Ecumenical Visits
    • Pastoral Committee to pursue setting up of regular ‘Study Groups’
    • We are to investigate a Theatre Trip — possibly to Pitlochry
  2. “Disability Audit” report was considered and points to be taken into account, especially in respect of Property, Pastoral and Worship remits.
  3. Finance report included welcome for current good level of weekly collection & premises-use income; agreement for expenditure on two main property items (see 4). Treasurer now ready to take on “trainee” volunteers or suggestions for someone to be approached are required.
  4. Property Committee to organise repainting of parts of premises’ interior, also to continue active moves for replacement of chairs.
  5. Grateful thanks to those who have joined the younger children in activities downstairs during part of worship — others welcome!
  6. Allocation of Communion Offering for July to Christian Aid; allocation for November deferred to June meeting to allow suggestions for a local cause — please pass these to David Easson or other Church Council members.
  7. City Centre Churches:
    • United Evening Services - 4th Sunday in February, March, April, September
    • Lent Studies — Tuesday 11 March - 7.30 pm - Meadowside St Paul’s
    • Maundy Thursday (17 April) - 7.30 pm - URC
    • Good Friday (18 April) - 7.30 pm - Meadowside St Paul’s
  8. John Wesley Birth Tercentenary celebrations — for our own and the Edinburgh & Forth and Central Circuits — in Perth on Sunday 25 May from 3 pm: more details soon!
  9. Tribute was paid to the late Rev Sidney Pearson, former Minister of this Church and Circuit Superintendent.
  10. General Church Meeting — Sunday 11 May: vacancies for 2 Church Stewards notified.

Support other organisations

Have you got the Bottle? — emergency information scheme

We have a supply of small plastic bottles made available through a 1010 Rotary District Club initiative to provide medical information to emergency services. The scheme is particularly aimed at anyone who feels vulnerable while living at home, but the bottles can be used by anyone who wishes to ensure information can be obtained in case of an accident to themselves at home. See the downstairs noticeboard for further details — some bottles are available from a box in the upstairs office.


February is designated “dining” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects.


Are you interested in buying Fairly Traded goods from Traidcraft on a regular basis? Would you like to buy them through church, or would you prefer to buy from Oxfam or your local supermarket? If there is sufficient demand, an order may sent from the church. If you are interested, please take a catalogue from the table at the top of the stairs. If you would like to order food, please note that most items are sold in quantities of 6 packs or more. If you do not personally want so many, we would need to determine whether we could expect to sell your surplus before the ‘best before’ date. So at this stage it would be helpful if those with an interest could give an idea of the extent, frequency and nature of their likely regular order.

PS There are also Fair Trade leaflets for you to take away.

Race Equality

Leaflets from the Scottish Executive describing “new laws for race equality in Scotland” are on the Vestibule and library area tables — please take and read.

Forthcoming events

Good News Glasgow 2003, 21-13 May with Steve Hill

See letter in library area and leaflets on Vestibule table for further details.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President and Vice-President of Conference in the Birmingham District this weekend;
  • Procedure to nominate a successor to the Rev David Cooper as Secretary to the Scotland Synod;
  • World Church office-holders and supporters in Scotland;
  • Those responsible for Methodist property upkeep in our Circuit;
  • All the people of Zimbabwe, especially partners working to alleviate the effects of drought, inflation and insecurity (Christian Aid);
  • Bookshop run by the Anglican Church of Kenya in Kirinyaga District, central Kenya (FTM Prayer List);
  • Bible Society work in Bolivia;
  • The Leprosy Mission’s promotional work in the British Isles;
  • We pray with and for the peoples of Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore;
  • We remember fellow Methodists in the Shropshire (South) Circuit (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District), and in Banff (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).