Dundee Methodist Church

07 December 2003

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

We remember particularly those for whom the longer hours of darkness are dispiriting & send greetings to all friends who are not able to meet with us in worship and fellowship in Marketgait.

Stair-chair - important

The mechanics are coming tomorrow to ensure that the “rail-extension” can be lowered & raised smoothly & until that is certain, ALL USE of the chair has been halted. Please check with Norah before attempting to use the stair-chair.

Christmas Mail

  • The Christmas Box for ‘posting’ cards to Marketgait friends will be available from next Sunday, with distribution during ‘coffee after worship’ on Sunday 21st December & at the Christmas Day Service.
  • Cards will again be posted to Link Club members on behalf of Dundee Methodist Church.

Christmas Gift Tags

in box on table – proceeds to church funds.

Plans for the new Quarter (December 03 – February 04)

These are now available from the Vestibule table - free - uplift - distribute.

Support other Organisations


  • December is designated as “leisure” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details.
  • Latest copy of Children Today is available on Vestibule table – borrow, read and return.
  • Advent / Christmas-tide has traditionally been a season for our support of NCH, through offerings at Communion and on Christmas Day. This year Appeal Envelopes are being distributed for return during worship on Sunday 21st December or thereafter.

Support the Link Club - ends 16 December!

“A Link Club member, has knitted an outfit for Sarah, the doll which is on the table in the Vestibule. (Thanks to Paddy for helping Angela.) The Club is hoping to raise some money for Club funds by asking people to guess Sarah’s birthday. Each guess costs 20p and can be written in the diary beside the doll. Whoever guesses correctly will win Sarah. The Link Club would be grateful for your support – there is a box on the table for contributions.”


There will be a stall next Sunday – Margaret would appreciate receiving order s in advance. Thanks for all support so far – over £100 was taken on November 23rd.

UNICEF Jars of Grace

We have raised £132.73 so far this year !

Scottish Bible Society

In December the Bible-a-Month Club invites support for work in Palestine: “Peace is particularly elusive in this region. Bethlehem itself has been a battlefield.” Bible Society work continues with school pupils, students and families. Our prayers are invited for peace in the whole region.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday, 13th December 7.30 pm Younger Hall, St Andrews St Andrews Chorus are performing Parts 1, 2 & 3 of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and Vivaldi’s Gloria. Tickets from Margaret or at the door, £7, £6.
Sunday, 14th December 7.30 pm Caird Hall Dundee Choral Union are performing Haydn’s Seasons. Tickets from Elizabeth, David, Hilary or Matthew.
Sunday, 4th January, 6 pm Perth Methodist Church “Love is Born” : Graham Wright’s latest musical story. Narration will be by David Cowling. Further information to follow.
9th – 11th July 2004 Winter Gardens, Blackpool Xposed (a Christian Youth Festival) - the MAYC London Weekend equivalent.
  • Cost £38 if booked before 28th February or £43 if booked before 28th May (full price £50).
  • Sarah Russell, Junior Church Co-ordinator at Nicolson Square Edinburgh, would like to try and organise a group from Scotland. She has taken groups to MAYC before and they had a great time. She and Luke were heavily involved in the successful Youth Council Event in Paisley.
  • If you have only a few young people, it’s an ideal way for them to experience a BIG enthusiastic Methodist gathering. Sarah iskeen to get in touch with the key Circuit / Church contacts ASAP”
  • Logistically we may have to travel independently and meet up in Blackpool, but perhaps not? Travel will be in addition to the cost of the weekend.
  • Contact Sarah on 01501 7832049, mobile 07753 744023.

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of Conference in the London South-West District Tuesday-Thursday, and in Eastern Europe next weekend;
  • Connexional World Church Committee next Saturday;
  • ‘Human Rights Day’ on Wednesday;
  • all concerned with ‘Safe-guarding’ & ‘disclosure’ procedures;
  • Theological publications by Kachere Series in Malawi (Feed The Minds);
  • partners and projects in South Africa, especially ‘Zenzele’ ( = ‘Do It Yourself’) in Khayelitsha, Cape Town (Christian Aid);
  • The Leprosy Mission’s work in Mozambique, Southern Africa & Zimbabwe;
  • Bible Society work in Palestine;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Angola and Mozambique;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Huddersfield (East) Circuit (West Yorkshire District), and in Peterhead (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).