Dundee Methodist Church

24 August 2003

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

“Quiet Space”

The back downstairs room will be prepared as a “quiet area” for reflection before Sunday worship for all who wish to use it.

New Chairs

As is evident from the “L–shaped” room alcove area, the new chairs have arrived – a day early. A huge debt of gratitude is owed to those who answered the emergency summons to help unload, then unpack, stack & clear up: Paddy, Lorna, David & Eilidh, Keith & Sheila, Clare.

It is hoped that the “old chairs” will be removed as soon as possible; in the meantime, anyone available and able to help move chairs “out and up” is asked to contact Norah as soon as possible, so she can coordinate one or more working parties to do this in the most efficient way for ourselves and User Groups.

NB : David E would still like to hear from anyone able to join the “Chair Rota” for setting out seating in preparation for Sunday worship.


There is a stall today; the next sales will be during our Harvest celebration on September 24th.

Church Christmas Theatre Outing

30 tickets have been purchased for Dundee Rep’s production of “Peter Pan” - matinee performance on Saturday 6th December – with the idea of tea together afterwards in Marketgait. These will be available on a “first come, first served” basis at £7.50 each – contact Elizabeth R as soon as possible.

Circuit Pastoral Day – “WHO CARES”

Invitations to the Circuit Pastoral Day on Saturday 27th September are being distributed from today for return by Sunday 7th September.

As the invitation indicates, the Planning Group hopes for representation, from each of the 5 Circuit Churches, of Class Leaders / Pastoral Visitors, Ministers, Church & Door Stewards, Flower distributors, those in caring professions, carers & recipients of care, plus anyone else who wishes to come.

The aim of the Day is to give time for exploring together how we care for each other, through exchange of ideas and concerns, learning from our own similar or different experiences, leading to the finding of new possibilities for caring about and for each other. The Planning Group itself has much enjoyed and been enriched by our meetings, in which we have all come to know one other better and learnt more about each other’s church-life. The Day will begin from 10 am and end at 4 pm, with a shared “Faith Lunch” to which we are invited to bring food (drinks provided).

The Planning Group would find it helpful to have an idea of likely numbers and interests for the Day before the final planning meeting in Dundee on Monday 15th September – completion & return of the ‘reply slip’ would assist this greatly. Dundee is represented on the Planning Group by Jenny E – contact her or David Firth or phone Helen Wareing (01986 70374) to know more.

Support other Organisations


August is designated as “furnishings” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 30th August, 7.30 pm The Steeple Church Concert by Watoto Children’s Choir. Admission by donation. (enquiries – 01382 778240) Watoto is Swahili for ‘children’; since 1994 this choir from Kampala, Uganda, has undertaken regular tours in the USA, Canada & Britain. Accompanied by a small team of adults, their performances are a soulful blend of African rhythms, contemporary gospel music and ethnic dance. These children are among more than 2,000,000 in Uganda that have had the tragic experience of losing one or both parents to the AIDS virus or war. You can help them by encouraging all you know to attend this event.
Sunday 31st August, 1.30 pm Dundee West Chuch, Perth Road A workshop / information session on “Eco-Congregation Scotland” – an environmental programme for Scottish churches, to which the Methodist Church in Scotland is a signatory. Further details from sheet on table in library area. Indications of those wishing to attend were requested by 15th August to Eco-Congregation Scotland, Keep Scotland Beautiful, Islay House, Livilands Lane, Stirling, FK8 2BG or email Margaret.warnock@encams.org
Saturday 6th September, 10 qm to 1 pm Meadowside St Paul’s Church Hall Coffee Morning; admission £1 adults, 50p children; usual stalls / face-painting / ‘beat the goalie’ – proceeds to church funds.
Saturday 6th September Caird Hall Downfield Musical Society Gala Evening; all tickets £8. Contact DMA on tel 322537, email tickets@downfieldms.co.uk or www.downfieldms.co.uk. See posters.
Sunday 21st September, 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm Meadowside St Paul’s Church of Scotland “Nourishment for the Journey”, led by Linda Wright, of Key House, Falkland. There will be a mid-way break for a sandwich tea; it is suggested that a contribution of £5 per person be asked to help cover expenses. See Vestibule table for letter / forms.
Saturday 27th September, 10 am to 4 pm Marketgait Circuit Pastoral Day ‘Who Cares for Me?’ See how these Christians love. It is hoped that everyone with an interest in “caring” will come, but particularly Class Leaders / Pastoral Visitors, Ministers, Church & Door Stewards, Flower distributors, those in caring professions or ‘carers’ of others.
Individual invitations will be distributed from next Sunday for return by 7 September. Further information from Jenny E or David Firth.
Tuesday 30th September to Friday 3rd October Whitehall Theatre ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ presented by Downfield Musical Society. Contact DMA on tel 322537, email tickets@downfieldms.co.uk or www.downfieldms.co.uk. See posters.

Prayer Points for this week

  • Rev Keith Reed, Assistant Secretary of Conference & the Coordinating Secretaries – Ms Ruby Beech, Mrs Anthea Cox, Revs David Gamble, Jonathan Kerry, Peter Sulston;
  • (Women’s) World Day of Prayer International Conference in Swanwick, Tuesday for a week;
  • the stationing process for our Circuit for September 2004;
  • partners & projects in Ethiopia, especially following the war with Eritrea and in current drought conditions (Christian Aid);
  • Christian magazines published in Braille for adults and children by Resources for the Blind, in Manila, Philippines (FTM Grant List);
  • Bible Society work in Scotland;
  • The Leprosy Mission’s work in Bangladesh;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Islands of the Indian Ocean*;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Ilkley Circuit (West Yorkshire District), and all in Mosspark United Church (URC and Methodist) (Glasgow Circuit).
  • *The Comoros, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles