17 August 2003
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or
undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
“Quiet Space”
The back downstairs room will be prepared as a “quiet area” for reflection
before Sunday worship for all who wish to use it.
Children’s Group
resumes next Sunday; for today there are ‘quiet activity’
folders available upstairs – ask Stewards.
Minister’s Time analysis
David Firth has distributed copies of his “time analysis for May 2003” -
spare copies are available on the upstairs table. David will be downstairs from 10 am
today to discuss any points people may wish to raise with him.
Arrival of New Seating
The ordered supply of new chairs is expected to arrive in Marketgait on Tuesday 26th August.
Anyone available and able to help move chairs “out and up” is asked to contact
Norah during this week please.
Worship Group Résumé
Those who met last Tuesday thought about recent and future formal acts of worship,
as follows:
- Over the summer, the children have been well occupied, thanks to Lorna’s provision of
activity folders.
- It was felt that, in general, this summer’s worship had not been as varied and
inclusive as last year’s.
- “early singing” in September will be led by Jenny– volunteers still
welcome, especially for October, contact ’tricia.
- Acts to acknowledge all who have been with the Children’s Group downstairs, and
to rededicate Pastoral Visitors, will be will be included in the Covenant Service on 7th
- Harvest Celebration & Worship on 28th September
- will use Methodist Relief & Development material on the theme “Out of Hunger – Harvest”
- will be an all-age, participatory Service
- will link with a “Family Harvest Faith Meal” afterwards – food to share, giving a sample of cooking from different cultures and / or ‘fair-trade’, will be especially welcome
- will include a Traidcraft Stall and a Display, plus activities during the meal
- will include opportunity to bring ‘Harvest Gifts’ - either fruit to share in the meal or monetary donations through MRDF envelopes distributed on previous Sundays
- Next Worship Group - open to all – Tuesday 4th November at 7.30 pm to include planning for Advent & Christmas.
Support other Organisations
The next stall will be next Sunday – see Margaret to order specific items.
August is designated as “furnishings” month in our request for surplus
items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details.
Christian Aid
- the current Christian Aid News is on the table by the front stairs –
lots of copies to take away and read;
- one copy of the Annual Report is also available – please take, read and return!
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Saturday 30th August, 7.30 pm |
The Steeple Church |
Concert by Watoto Children’s Choir. Admission by donation. (enquiries – 01382 778240)
Watoto is Swahili for ‘children’;
since 1994 this choir from Kampala, Uganda,
has undertaken regular tours in the USA, Canada & Britain.
Accompanied by a small team of adults, their performances are a soulful blend of
African rhythms, contemporary gospel music and ethnic dance. These children are among more
than 2,000,000 in Uganda that have had the tragic experience of losing one or both parents to
the AIDS virus or war. You can help them by encouraging all you know to attend this event.
Sunday 31st August, 1.30 pm |
Dundee West Chuch, Perth Road |
A workshop / information session on “Eco-Congregation Scotland” – an
environmental programme
for Scottish churches, to which the Methodist Church in Scotland is a signatory. Further details
from sheet on table in library area.
Indications of those wishing to attend were requested by 15th August to Eco-Congregation
Scotland, Keep Scotland Beautiful, Islay House, Livilands Lane, Stirling, FK8 2BG or
email Margaret.warnock@encams.org
Saturday 6th September |
Caird Hall |
Downfield Musical Society Gala Evening; all tickets £8. See posters.
Sunday 21st September, 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm |
Meadowside St Paul’s Church
of Scotland |
“Nourishment for the Journey”, led by Linda Wright, of Key House, Falkland.
There will be a
mid-way break for a sandwich tea; it is suggested that a contribution of £5 per person
be asked to help cover expenses.
See Vestibule table for letter / forms.
Saturday 27th September, 10 am to 4 pm |
Marketgait |
Circuit Pastoral Day ‘Who Cares for Me?’ See how these Christians love .
It is hoped that everyone
with an interest in “caring” will come, but particularly Class Leaders / Pastoral
Visitors, Ministers, Church & Door Stewards, Flower distributors, those in caring professions
or ‘carers’ of others.
Individual invitations will be distributed from next Sunday
for return by 7 September. Further information from Jenny E or David Firth. |
Tuesday 30th September to Friday 3rd October |
Whitehall Theatre |
‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ presented by Downfield Musical Society. See posters.
Saturday 6th December |
Dundee Rep |
“Peter Pan”. 30 tickets have been purchased for the matinee performance,
with the idea of tea together afterwards
in Marketgait. Tickets will be available on a “first come, first served” basis at
£7.50 each – contact Elizabeth as soon as possible.
Prayer Points for this week
- preparations for the (Women’s) World Day of Prayer International Conference in Swanwick, 26th August – 2nd September;
- pastoral care within our Circuit congregations;
- exhibitions at Christian festivals – ‘Soul Survivor’ in Somerset, ‘Greenbelt’ in Cheltenham (Christian Aid);
- development of materials for Sunday Schools in Ethiopia by Society of International Missionaries (SIM)(FTM Grant List);
- Bible Society work in Scotland;
- The Leprosy Mission’s work in the British Isles, through the Council in Southern Africa, and in Canada;
- we pray with and for the peoples of the Pacific Islands*;
- we remember fellow Methodists in the Settle Circuit (West Yorkshire District), and in Alexandria (Glasgow Circuit).
* Polynesia: Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue, Tuvalu, Tokelau, …
* Melanesia: New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji
* Micronesia: Marshall Is, Kiribati, Nauru, Caroline Is, Guam, Mariana Is, …