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10 August 2003We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones. Quiet SpaceThe back downstairs room will be prepared as a “quiet area” for reflection before Sunday worship for all who wish to use it. Children’s Groupresumes 24th August but during summer there are ‘quiet activity’ folders available upstairs – ask Stewards. Chairs RotaDavid E has so far heard of 5 people offering to set out chairs for Sunday worship. Since one person is willing to be part of 2 teams, this gives a total of 3 pairings – somewhat short of what is required for a rota on a monthly (or longer) basis. If you are able to help in this, please contact David today. Replacement ChairsThe newly-ordered chairs are expected to arrive towards the end of this month. If you can use or help to dispose of any of the current (upstairs) chairs, please contact Norah as soon as possible. Message from the MinisterDavid Firth has distributed copies of his “time analysis for May 2003” - spare copies are available on the upstairs table. David will be downstairs from 10 am on Sunday 17th August to discuss any points people may wish to raise with him. Meetings this Week
Support other OrganisationsTraidcraftThe stall held two weeks ago took about £37 through the sale of goods – thanks to all customers. The next stall is likely to be on Sunday 24th August: see Margaret to order specific items. NCHAugust is designated as “furnishings” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects. See Margaret for more details. Christian Aid
Scottish Bible SocietyIf you are in Edinburgh during the Festival, ‘That’s Life’ forms part of the Fringe programme to 25th August in Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge. This is “a rock musical based on a medieval morality play, presented by young theatre graduates from Ontario”. We are invited to prayerfully remember:
Fund for World MissionDonations placed in the plate at the hatch when coffee is served after worship go on alternate Sundays to the Mission in Britain Fund (former ‘Home Missions’) and to the Fund for World Mission (former ‘Overseas Missions / World Church’). ‘World Church’ funds support church work world-wide, including
“Eco-Congregation Scotland”The Minister has received information, from the Church of Scotland’s much respected ‘Society, Religion and Technology Project’, about “Eco-Congregation Scotland”. This is an environmental programme for Scottish churches, to which the Methodist Church in Scotland became a signatory at the launch in Dunblane on 28th March 2001. A workshop / information session is being run on Sunday 31st August at 1.30 pm in Dundee West Chuch, Perth Road. Anyone interested will be welcome to attend – further details from David Firth or see sheet on table in library area. Indications of those wishing to attend are requested by 15th August to: Eco-Congregation Scotland, Keep Scotland Beautiful, Islay House, Livilands Lane, Stirling, FK8 2BG or email Margaret.warnock@encams.org. See also website - www.srtp.org.uk/ecocongs.htm. Forthcoming events
Prayer Points for this week
In this News SheetNext Sunday: 17 August 2003
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