Dundee Methodist Church

20 APRIL 2003

With Christ’s people around the world

we celebrate this joyful day of resurrection.

Christ is risen and rises again when in any community

Goodness prevails over wrongdoing

Unhealthy living conditions are transformed

Faithlessness is transfigured into faithfulness

Fear is overcome by hope and love

Poor people hear good news and captives are released

People blinded by prejudice and hatred recover their freedom.

That is the day of the Lord’s favour, a day of resurrection.

Alleluia, thanks be to God.

© John Sutcliffe, 2003 from www.rootsontheweb.com

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Easter Offerings

Envelopes for the annual Appeal are still available and our support warmly invited for the work of the world-wide Church under this year’s theme “God’s Rainbow Promise”. Envelopes may be returned via the Offering Plate today and in coming weeks. Please note Gift Aid provisions on the back.

Circuit News

A leaflet, “Opportunity Knocks”, is being distributed to members of the Circuit’s five congregations. Please read it prayerfully, together with the preceding news-sheet insert “Circuit Statement — March 2003”. Discussion will take place at the General Church Meeting on Sunday 11th May, prior to the Circuit Meeting in June.

Network News Scotland

Issue No 1 of 2003 is now available from the Vestibule table.

Meetings this Week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Sunday 20th April, 6.30 pm United Reformed Church (off Constitution Road, Northern section) Dundee City Centre Churches’ United Easter Worship
Sunday 20th April, 8 pm Broughty Baptist Church, St Vincent Street Broughty Ferry Churches Group Easter Praise
Tuesday 22nd April —Saturday 26th April Whitehall Theatre Downfield Musical Society celebrates its 75th anniversary with the production of “Jesus Christ Superstar”. Tickets £10 - Block bookings (£7 tickets) are available for parties of 10 or more - phone 322537 for details or to book.
Friday 25th April, 7.30 pm Marketgait The Leprosy Mission meeting, to which all are warmly welcome, Miss Christine Osman, Hon Treasurer TLM International, will speak on“Champa Centenary Celebrations, S.E. Asia Conference, and other Recollections of India Visit 2002, and of Anandaban, Nepal”.
Saturday 26th April, 2 to 5.30 pm Tay Road Bridge Christian Aid Tay Bridge crossing,as part of Christian Aid’s fund-raising activities in Scotland (the Forth, Erskine and Skye Bridges will also be crossed). Sponsorship forms on table — David Firth will forward funds raised to be part of the overall Dundee total.

Support other organisations


April is designated “bedroom” month in our request for surplus items for use by the Cowan Grove and Families projects.

Christian Aid

Christian Aid News is on the Vestibule table — take, read, possibly send enclosed postcard to the Prime Minister?

Link Club

The Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 29th April at 10.30 am in Marketgait. Supporters and those interested in the Club’s work will be welcome to the AGM, as they are to pop into the Club’s regular sessions.

Scottish Bible Society

The Bible-a-Month Club invites our support in April for work in China where ethnic minorities in the Yunan Province form a high percentage of Christians. Literature is greatly valued and the arrival of the Christian Council van, with its supply of Bibles, is a cause for much rejoicing. We are invited to remember these brothers and sisters in Christ living in a remote and rugged region who may seem materially poor but are rich in faith.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 10th May from 10 am to 12 noon Mary Slessor Centre The Leprosy Mission annual Coffee Morning
Saturday 17th May Marketgait District Network Day. It would be good to have local Dundee support.
Sunday 25th May 3.30pm junction of High Street and King Edward Street, Perth Wesley Tercentenary CelebrationsThe Rev John Wesley (with horse) will again receive the Freedom of the City of Perth first granted to him by the Burgesses of the Royal and Ancient Burgh in 1772. There will be a procession thereafter to the Methodist Church in Scott Street, to partake of a Celebration and Tea.
  • It is hoped that transport (of a more modern form of horse power than Mr Wesley’s) will be provided by a coach travelling from Montrose, via Arbroath and Dundee, to Perth (and back! ).
  • The Angus, Dundee & Perthshire Circuit is joining with the Central Scotland and Edinburgh & Forth Circuits for this Event.
  • The Superintendent Minister requires “a silk top hat” for the occasion — contact David Firth to assist him in his search!
Saturday 7th June, 10.30 to 4 pm Dunblane “Let’s Explore”. A Facilitators’ Training Day, led by Anne Topping. The areas covered relate particularly to pastoral care and it is hoped they will prove useful for Pastoral Carers, Ministers, Deacons, Lay Workers, Youth Workers and others, in helping groups and individuals explore issues that affect people deeply. The cost is £20 (including refreshments, & lunch, conference facilities and Let’s Explore pack) — there is a discount of 50% for “members of registered charities and religious organisations”. Further details from Helen Wareing, District Training & Development Officer (01986 670374) and Margaret Brown, District Administrator (01786 820295).

Prayer Points for this week

  • The President of the Conference at Easter People in Torquay and the Vice—President at Easter People in Scarborough, this week;
  • staffing and resourcing the life of our Circuit;
  • next week’s reflection-time, on Iona, (Christian Aid);
  • extension of the Literacy and Scripture Use Programme in south and east Sierra Leone (FTM Prayer List);
  • Bible Society work in China;
  • The Leprosy Mission’s work in Indonesia, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Brazil;
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Stourbridge and Brierley Hill Circuit (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District), and in Abbeyhill, (Edinburgh & Forth Circuit).